Recurrent Novae

Post date: 27-Mar-2009 15:15:39

By Mike Simonsen

These cataclysmic variables grab our attention

and spark our imaginations because of the incredible amplitude of their

outbursts, typically 8-12 magnitudes, and the rarity of these spectacular

events. Many of these outbursts are once-in-a-lifetime events. Like an

apparition of Halley's comet, witnessing an outburst of T CrB twice in a

lifetime would be a matter of uncommon luck, longevity or both.

In the General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS) recurrent novae are included

in the same category as novae, with the main distinction being the features

of their light curves.

"According to the features of their light variations, novae are subdivided

into fast (NA), slow (NB), very slow (NC), and recurrent (NR) categories.

NR Recurrent novae, which differ from typical novae by the fact that two or

more outbursts (instead of a single one) separated by 10-80 years have been

observed (T CrB)."

This implies that the outburst mechanism, orbital periods, spectra and the

nature of the components of these close binaries are the same or very

similar. To understand recurrent novae we need to understand novae first,

and then make distinctions.

Novae are close binary systems with orbital periods from 0.05 to 230 days.

The primary of the system is a hot white dwarf star while the cooler

secondary components may be giants, subgiants, or dwarfs of K-M type.

Although few novae have been caught in the very act of rising to eruption,

it is generally accepted that the time it takes to go from restless

quiescence to full max is 1- 3 days. The same is probably true for recurrent


The cause of a nova eruption is a thermonuclear reaction on the surface of

the white dwarf. After years of mass exchange between the binary pair,

temperature and pressure at the surface of the white dwarf build

sufficiently to cause the layer of accreted material to explode like a

hydrogen bomb. This bomb, however, can have the mass of 30 Earths! Once the

temperature becomes high enough, this layer begins to expand. Minutes into

the process the shell can be radiating at 100,000 solar luminosities and

expanding outwards at 3000 km/s. Eventually the shell envelopes the entire

binary and the orbital motion of the pair acts like a propeller to whip

things up. After 1000 days or so the envelope expands to the point it can be

seen as nebulosity surrounding the pair. Over hundreds of years the shell

dissipates into the interstellar medium.

Most novae probably erupt more than once in their lifetime, with the mass of

the white dwarf determining the amount of accreted material that needs to

accumulate before triggering on outburst. Systems with a white dwarf of 0.6

solar masses might take as long as 5 million years between eruptions. A

system with a 1.3 solar mass white dwarf might only take 30,000 years

between eruptions.

So are recurrent novae simply the same type systems with even more massive

white dwarfs? The accretion rate of a system with a 1.4 solar mass white

dwarf could have a recurrence time of less than 100 years. T Pyx may be one

such system, but it is unclear at present if the outburst mechanism for all

recurrent novae is the same as novae, or if some are the result of accretion

by Roche-lobe overflow or stellar winds, or a result of disc instabilities.

Even more interesting is the possibility that recurrent novae may actually

be progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. Observations of novae eruptions and

the resulting nebulae indicate the mixing of the accreted layer with the

outer layers of the white dwarf may cause the white dwarfs to lose mass over

time and repeated eruptions. The heaviest white dwarfs, with their higher

accretion rates, may actually gain mass over time! Although a large part of

the envelope mass is blown away in the wind, these primaries may retain a

substantial part of the envelope mass after hydrogen burning ends. The white

dwarfs in some recurrent novae have now grown up to near the Chandrasekhar

mass limit and might soon explode as a Type Ia supernova.

With so few known examples and the rarity of these events it is no wonder

that recurrent novae eruptions are extremely interesting to astronomers.

Monitoring these stars for outbursts over decades of relative inactivity is

still one of the extremely valuable contributions visual observers can

provide to science.

Finding the stamina and determination to follow such stars is no small task.

Even Leslie Peltier, one of the greatest AAVSO observers of all time, had an

"unhappy affair" with T CrB that can serve as a lesson to us all. In

'Starlight Nights' he writes:

"From 1920 on I watched it closely at every opportunity. For more than

twenty-five years I looked in on it from night to night as it tossed and

turned in fitful slumber. Then one night in February 1946 it stirred, slowly

opened its eyes, then quickly threw aside the draperies of its couch and


Full eighty years had passed since the star had shattered the symmetry of

the Northern Crown. And where was I, its self-appointed guardian on that

once-in-a-lifetime night when it awoke? I was asleep!"

Peltier had set the alarm for 2:30 AM to observe morning variables. When he

got up the sky was clear and the stars were shining, but feeling he might

have a cold coming on he decided to go back to bed. He goes on to describe

his personal relationship with the star, one that many of us feel for our

favorite variables, and how it changed after that.

"I alone am to blame for being remiss in my duties, nevertheless, I still

have the feeling that T could have shown me more consideration. We had been

friends for many years; on thousands of nights I had watched over it as it

slept and then, it arose in my hour of weakness as I nodded at my post. I

still am watching it, but now it is with wary eye. There is no warmth

between us any more."

In more recent times, CI Aql had been suspected of being a recurrent nova

even though only one recorded outburst had occurred in 1917. As such it was

included in the BAAVSS Recurrent Objects Programme for many years. For

reasons he still will not discuss with even the best of friends, Gary

Poyner, coordinator of the program, decided to drop CI Aql from the list in

2000; literally weeks before it erupted again for the first time in over 80

years! Sorry Gary, but its just too good a story not to recount.

Below is a table of known recurrent novae.

Try not to sleep through the next eruption of any of these unpredictable



RA/Dec (2000)

Magnitude range

Years of known outbursts

Chart availability

T Pyx

09 04 41.53 ?32 22 47.2

6.5 v - 15.3 v

Outbursts in 1890, 1902, 1920, 1944 and 1966

AAVSO charts

IM Nor

15 39 26.47 ?52 19 18.0

7.8 V - 22.0 j

Outbursts in 1920 and 2002

AAVSO charts


15 59 30.19 +25 55 12.1

2.0 p - 11.3 p

Outbursts in 1866 and 1946

AAVSO charts

U Sco

16 22 30.80 ?17 52 44.0

8.8 V - 19.5 V

Outbursts in 1863 and 1999

AAVSO charts

RS Oph

17 50 13.12 ?06 42 28.2

4.3 v - 12.5 v

Outbursts in 1898, 1933, 1958, 1967, 1985, 2006

AAVSO charts

V745 Sco

17 55 22.27 ?33 14 58.5

11.2 p - 21 j

Outbursts in 1937 and 1989

No AAVSO charts

V394 CrA

18 00 25.97 ?39 00 35.1

7.2 V - 18.8 V

Outbursts in 1949 and 1987

No AAVSO charts

V3890 Sgr

18 30 43.32 ?24 01 08.6

8.4 p - 17.2 p

Outbursts in 1962 and 1990

Very poor AAVSO chart; lettered sequence only

CI Aql

18 52 03.57 ?01 28 39.4

8.8 V - 15.6 p

Outbursts in 1917 and 2000

AAVSO charts