Cataclysmic Variables Network


Last updated 14:40 UT on September 18, 2024

(All objects mentioned in this section are in the International Variable Star Index; additionally, VSX links have been given for selected cataclysmic variables

'Activity at a Glance' is gleaned from observations reported to AAVSO MyNewsFlash, BAAVSS-Alert, CVnet-Outburst, VSObs-share and VSNET-outburst. We sincerely thank all the observers who contribute timely observations and reports of activity to these ema il lists.

New outbursts and unusual activity reported in the last 5 days



V1504 Cyg


SS Aur


AT Ara

WX Hyi

BR Lup

FQ Sco

V1830 Sgr

# indicates a noteworthy or unusual activity

:  indicates confirmation required
* indicates time-resolved photometry required

CV News

AAVSO Alert Notice - Observing Campaign #872

Nova in Sco: N Sco 2024 No. 3 = V1725 Sco (TCP J17064645-3528079)

September 11, 2024

AAVSO Alert Notice 868

Photometry of BZ Camelopardalis in support of HST, Chandra multiwavelength observing campaign

Active Dates: Aug. 26, 2024 – Oct. 31, 2024

August 26, 2024

AAVSO Alert Notice 869

CS Ind HST schedule set for August 30

August 23, 2024

Nova Vul 2024: PNV J19430751+2100204

Spectroscopic Classification of PNV J19430751+2100204 as a Nova Outburst

ATel 16743

AAVSO Alert Notice 867


Optical Transient in Cygnus, AT 2024lwu

ATel 16676

June 27, 2024

AAVSO Alert Notice 858

SS Cyg monitoring requested

April 2, 2024

AAVSO Alert Notice 838

Monitoring requested for 11 dwarf novae in support of HST observations in 2023-2024

October 26, 2023

AAVSO Alert Notice 754

Monitoring requested for 15 VY Scl CVs in support of HST observations

14 September 2021

Recent Papers on CVs

For new papers on CVs see astro-ph

Updated 13 February, 2024

3D physical structure and angular expansion of the remnant of the recurrent nova T Pyx

E. Santamaría, J. A. Toalá, M. A. Guerrero, G. Ramos-Larios, L. Sabin

Discovery of a nova super-remnant cavity surrounding RS Ophiuchi

M. W. Healy-Kalesh, M. J. Darnley, E. J. Harvey, A. M. Newsam

Period bouncers as detached magnetic cataclysmic variables

Matthias R. Schreiber, Diogo Belloni, Jan van Roestel

A trio of month long flares in the nova-like variable V704 And

Gabriella Zsidi, , C. J. Nixon, , T. Naylor, , J. E. Pringle, and K. L. Page

The peculiar ejecta of Nova V1425 Aquilae

C. Tappert, L. Celedón, L. Schmidtobreick

TESS light curves of cataclysmic variables -- III -- More superhump systems among old novae and novalike variables

Albert Bruch

The recurrent nova T CrB had prior eruptions observed near December 1787 and October 1217 AD

Bradley E. Schaefer

Recurrent Symbiotic Nova T Coronae Borealis Before Outburst

N.A. Maslennikova, A.M. Tatarnikov, A.A. Tatarnikova, A.V. Dodin, V.I. Shenavrin, M.A. Burlak, S.G. Zheltoukhov, I.A. Strakhov

Symbiotic star T CrB as an extreme SU UMa type dwarf nova

Krystian I lkiewicz, Joanna Miko lajewska, and Kiril A. Stoyanov

A catalogue of cataclysmic variables from 20 years of the Sloan

Digital Sky Survey with new classifications, periods, trends and


Keith Inight, Boris T. Gänsicke, Elmé Breedt, Henry T. Israel, Stuart P. Littlefair,

Christopher J. Manser, Tom R. Marsh, Tim Mulvany, Anna Francesca Pala,

John R. Thorstensen

The B & V Light Curves for Recurrent Nova T CrB From 1842--2022, the Unique Pre- and Post-Eruption High-States, the Complex Period Changes, and the Upcoming Eruption in 2025.5±1.3

Bradley E. Schaefer

A magnetic valve at L1 revealed in TESS photometry of the asynchronous polar BY Cam

Paul A. Mason, Colin Littlefield, Lorena C. Monroy, John F. Morales, Pasi Hakala, Peter Garnavich, Paula Szkody, Mark R. Kennedy, Gavin Ramsay, Simone Scaringi

Testing the third body hypothesis in the Cataclysmic Variables LU Camelopardalis, QZSerpentis, V1007 Herculis and BK Lyncis

Carlos E. Chavez, Nikolaos Georgakarakos, Andres Aviles, Hector Aceves, Gagik Tovmassian, Sergey Zharikov, J. E. Perez-Leon, Francisco Tamayo

V392 Persei: a γ-ray bright nova eruption from a known dwarf nova

F. J. Murphy-Glaysher, M. J. Darnley, É. J. Harvey, A. M. Newsam, K. L. Page, S. Starrfield, R. M. Wagner, C. E. Woodward, D. M. Terndrup, S. Kafka, T. Arranz Heras, P. Berardi, E. Bertrand, R. Biernikowicz, C. Boussin, D. Boyd, Y. Buchet, M. Bundas, D. Coulter, D. Dejean, A. Diepvens, S. Dvorak, J. Edlin, T. Eenmae, H. Eggenstein, R. Fournier, O. Garde, J. Gout, D. Janzen, P. Jordanov, H. Kiiskinen, D. Lane, R. Larochelle, R. Leadbeater, D. Mankel, G. Martineau, I. Miller, R. Modic, J. Montier, M. Morales Aimar, E. Muyllaert, R. Naves Nogues, D. O'Keeffe, A. Oksanen, M. Pyatnytskyy, R. Rast, B. Rodgers, D. Rodriguez Perez, F. Schorr, E. Schwendeman, S. Shadick, S. Sharpe, F. Soldán Alfaro, T. Sove, G. Stone, T. Tordai, R. Venne, W. Vollmann, M. Vrastak, K. Wenzel

CV artwork courtesy Darren Baskill