
Oher script codes developed during PhD on: GitHub

CHASTE Membrane: a finite element simulation tool to model the electric properties of cell membranes in a conductive space. Built on top of the CHASTE platform from the Computational Biology Group at the Department of Computer Science in University of Oxford. link

Project 08: A multiplayer game in Java3D. This was a project developed during a Computing Graphics class. The terrain is a VRML model created with Blender. Not real flight dynamics. It allowed 4 players over a network. requires Java and Java3D. zip (1.05 mb source code, server, client and Blender meshes in a self-installer) github

SIOXC, a simple PIC-16F873 compiler. It used a simple language called SIOX and generated PIC assembler. Siox was coded in LEX, YACC and C. It was integrated with the Microchip MPLAB IDE. zip (427 kb source code, executable and docs is Spanish) github

Cinematic: A robot arm simulator, solves the cinematic problem with 3 degrees of freedom robot arms. Used 3D graphics. Not very portable (DOS, Win95 and Win98). zip (73 kb source and executable) github