Sectional Polarization

Sectional Polarization - the increased division among the north, south, and west in the 1800s caused by economic, political, social, and technological interests

DIRECTIONS: Please use the graphic organizer below to take notes from the infographics. (If you do not already have the graphic organizer, then you can simply create one with blank or lined paper.) NOTE: The infographics are not divided by north and south or even by the categories on the graphic organizer. The infographics are organized by different parts of American life in the 1800s:

  • Immigration during the Antebellum era
  • Technology's impact on slavery
  • Conditions of life for the enslaved
  • Technology's impact on communication and transportation
  • Resistance of free and enslaved African-Americans
  • Impact of American Factory System on labor, women, and migration

Your notes on both sides of your graphic organizer will come from all of the infographics. (For example, you might see on a map on the infographic of technology's impact on slavery that the the growth of slavery increased in the south geographically as a result of the cotton gin. So you would make note of that in the geography part of the south's graphic organizer. There is also information in that same infographic on the economic impact of the cotton gin. So you would write that in the economy part of the south's graphic organizer. In the infographic on resistance in slavery, there is a description of the slave codes, which were laws in place in MD, VA, and in D.C., so you would record that information in the political or social section of your south's graphic organizer. The infographics on the technology's impact on communication and transportation feature maps and information on the Erie canal, which connected the Hudson river to lake Erie in New York state. So students would record that information in the geography section on the north's graphic organizer. Also, the first infographic on the factory system's impact on labor, women and migration shows that the US became more industrialized in the mid-1800s, especially in the north, so you would record that in the economy section of the north's graphic organizer. Keep in mind that some details in the infographics fit multiple categories.)

Pd 1 - Ethan (pdf).pdf
Pd 2 - Meagan.pdf
Pd 3 - Ryan (pdf).pdf
Pd 3 - Mackinsie (pdf).pdf
Mad Mad Mag Tal Noah - Infographic.pdf
Pd 3 - Colin (pdf).pdf
Pd 6 - Jayden (pdf) (1).pdf
Pd 3 - Nathan (pdf).pdf
Pd 6 - Journey (pdf).pdf
Pd 1 - Logan J (pdf).pdf
Pd 4 - Amber.pdf
Antlebellum Immigration.pdf