
Opening Remark 9:30-

Oral Session1 Chair: Prof. Toyoyuki Ose

9:35 O-01: YuChi Song

9:50 O-02: Hao Gu

10:05 O-03: Udoy Basak

10:20 O-04: Khalifa Mohammad Helal

10:35 O-05: Shariful Haque

Coffee Break @ Lobby 10:50-

Oral Session2 Chair: Prof. Ryota Uehara

11:05 O-06: Yasuhiro Yokoi

11:20 O-07: Hajime Wakui

11:35 O-08: Patwira Boonjing

11:50 O-09: Mahmoud AbuBakr Ahmed Younis

Lunch Time 12:05₋

Poster Session 13:20-14:30

Invited Lecture 14:30₋

Professor Makito Miyazaki

“The Actin Cytoskeleton Dynamics In A Cell-Sized Confined Space”

Taking Group Photo @ Small Auditorium 15:20₋

Coffee Break @ Lobby 15:30₋

Oral Session3 Chair: Prof. Hiroshi Hinou

15:45 O-10: Debayan Dey

16:00 O-11: Islam Md Shariful

16:15 O-12: Winda Yani Sinambela

Coffee Break @ Lobby 16:30-

Oral Session4 Chair: Prof. Seiichiro Ishihara

16:45 O-13: Nour Md Mofiz Uddin Khan

17:00 O-14: Dipanjana Dhar

17:15 O-15: Nurul Fajry Maulida

17:30 O-16: Masato Ishizaka

Closing Remark 17:45₋

Banquet 18:30₋

@ Chuo Cafeteria


“ Invited Lecture “

•Lecture start at 14:30 (small auditorium, 1 F).

•There is 50 min for lecture (Presentation 40 min, Discussion 10 min).

“ Oral Presentation “

•Speakers are given 15 min for oral presentation.

(Presentation 10 min, Discussion 3 min, Projection 2 min).

•Please use English for all the presentations.

• Please visit symposium place (small auditorium) for Oral sessions 10 min before your sessions.

•The connection to the projector will be a VGA connector (mini D-Sub15 pin) or HDMI connector.

Please prepare own exchange connector in case which you use other connection to the projector.

“ Poster Presentation “

•Please put your poster during 9:00 ~ 9:30, and remove it by 17:00.

•Core time of poster session is during 13:20 ~ 14:30 (70 min).

•Please confirm your poster number, and put it right place.

•Poster size recommended A0 (W 841 mm x H 1189 mm).

“ Banquet “

• Banquet start at 18:30 (Chuo Cafeteria, 2 F)