
20016-17 7th Grade Language Arts and Reading

Mr. Tashima, Room 45


Class Description

7th grade language arts and reading follows the California Common Core Standards as a guide for our curriculum. The focus will be on vocabulary, reading comprehension, literary analysis, writing strategies and application, and writing conventions. We will be using the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt series to improve reading and writing skills. The program will help assess reading levels, diagnose problems, teach strategies, apply skills and re-teach skills when necessary. The students will also complete at least one book report each trimester. Students need to have each novel approved before completing each book report. Vocabulary and spelling will be assigned weekly. Students have the spelling and vocabulary lessons in their Houghton Mifflin spelling textbook. Journal writing will be complete in their composition book which students will carry with them. Journal entries will be written Tuesday through Friday on various topics.


Students are expected to be on time to class and have the necessary supplies to participate. (See the Standards of Behavior for detailed description)


All student grades will be determined by the total number of points received from their tests, written assignments, class work, and homework.

50% Tests, essays, projects

30% Class work

20% Homework

Students will receive an F grade for missing assignments or tests. Students will be able to make up missed assignments or tests. Students can make up assignments for full credit if the absence is excused.


All students are expected to participate fully and work cooperatively with their group members. Students must show respect at all times for the teacher and their fellow classmates. Remember to demonstrate respect by doing the following:

1. Never interrupt the teacher during a lesson or discussion. Raise your hand and wait.

2. Never interrupt another student who is answering or discussing a topic.

3. Avoid using any remarks that are derogatory (put down someone) Never use racist, sexist or profane language.

4. Make positive comments when responding to another student or teacher.

5. Use the bathroom when given permission


Students who do not follow the Standards of Behavior will receive the following consequences:

1. Verbal warning

2. Student/teacher conference

3. Lunch detention

4. Parent contact

5. Parent/teacher/student conference