Chapter 1 - Basics of Computer

Q 1 – What is computer?

Ans – Computer is an electronic device that stores information, helps us in its manipulation and perform various jobs according to instructions provided.

Q 2 – What is ICT?

Ans – ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies. ICT is a combination of various information and communication technologies that helps us in better and effective representation of information.

Q 3 – Write the uses of computer in our daily life?

Ans – Computer is used in following areas in our daily life:-

1. Data storage and its manipulation.

2. In our education and studies.

3. In offices.

4. In hospitals for treatment of various diseases.

5. In transport (Air transport as well as Rail transport).

6. In entertainment like watching movies, listening to music, playing games.

7. For communication purposes like chatting, emailing, video calling.

8. In science.

9. In art and design.

10. In banking sector.

Q 4 – Write the types of computer according to their sizes?

Ans – Computer can be divided into 3 types according to their sizes:-

1. Desktop

2. Laptop

3. Palmtop

Q 5 – Write the main components of computer system.

Ans – A computer system can be divided into 2 components: -

1. Hardware: - The components of computer which we can touch and see are called hardware. For example – keyboard, mouse, monitor, camera.

2. Software: - The components of computer which we can only see them but cannot touch are called Software. For example – windows, paint, google chrome, ms word.

Q 6 – Write the types of computer hardware/devices.

Ans – computer devices can be divided into 3 types:-

1. Input devices: - The devices through which we provide instructions to computer are called input devices. For example – keyboard, mouse, camera, mic, scanner.

2. Processing devices: - The devices through which computer understands provided instructions are called Processing devices. For example – CPU.

3. Output devices: - The devices through which computer provide us the result or output of processed instructions are called Output Devices. For example – monitor, printer, projector and speaker.

Q 7 – What is software? Write its types.

Ans – Software is a collection of programs. Software can be divided into 2 types: -

1. System software: - The software that are must for computer to start or work are called System Software. For example – Windows, Linux, MacOS.

2. Application software: - The software that are used for one particular application or task are called Application Software. For example – Notepad, MS Paint, FMS Logo.

Q 8 – Write the work flow diagram of computer.

Ans – Flow diagram of computer is as follows–

Workflow of Computer

Q 9 – What is File and Folders?

Ans – Files: - The single place to store all data or information about any subject in computer is called a File.

Folders: - Files and Folders of one topic can be stored at one place called Folder for better security and management.

Q 10 – What is Operating System?

Ans – Operating system is a bridge between user and computer (Machine/hardware). It helps in interfacing communication between user and computer. It is a collection of programs that is essential for working of computer. Example Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu.

Q 11 – Explain about Memory Storages in computer.

Ans – Memory Storage is a place where we can store any data. Example pen drive.

There are two kinds of memory storage devices:-

a) Primary Memory: - This memory holds data temporarily. That is data is stored till power supply is on after that data vanishes. Example RAM Random Access Memory.

b) Secondary Memory: - This memory holds data permanently. That is data doesn’t get lost after cut off of power supply. Example Hard Disk, Pen Drive.


a) RAM:- Random Access Memory

b) ROM:- Read Only Memory

c) HDD:- Hard disk drive

d) SSD:- Solid State Drive

e) OS:- Operating System

f) CD:- Compact Disk

g) DVD:- Digital versatile Disk