Crazy Climber upright Taito

Took delivery of game: 3/28/09, S/N 113,023 Coin counter: 30,828

Game is in great shape compared to others I've seen for sale. Monitor does not power up (see end of page for youtube link. Plays blind with a "hissing" sound from monitor. Game has US sounds: "Ouch!", "Go for it!" & "Oh NOOoooo!".

Front view:

Left view:

Right view:


Back with door off:



Control Panel:

Coin doors:

Coin counter:


G07 monitor:

Monitor has no picture or neck glow. Here is a link to what it looks/sounds like:

Here is the monitor board before the work is done on it.

Board with flyback removed.

Cap on neck neck board is toast and oozed it's guts all over. No pic but fuse was blown as well and so was the high output transistor (H.O.T.)

Here are links to the videos after the monitor rebuild:

After cap kit and flyback replacement before any adjustments were made:

Here's a link to the video after adjustments were made to brightness focus & neck board color adjustment per Dave Okerts suggestions:

The monitor has some burn in and is definately the original, but looks great. Overall a pretty successful rebuild. As always, thanks for all the help Dad and Dockert for the files & advise.