The Mighty Third Kings Masonic
District Association

Grand Master's Letter to the Craft
Grand Master's Letter to the Craft
Most Worshipful Seven Adam Rubin
Most Worshipful Seven Adam Rubin
Brooklyn, New York
United States of America
The Third Kings Masonic District Association
M:.W:. Steven Adam Rubin, Grand Master
R:.W:. Ron Shepard, District Deputy Grand Master
R:.W:. Paul Maravel, Grand Director Of Ceremonies
V:.W:. Mark Amerise, Assistant Grand Lecturer
OFFICERS 2024 – 2025:
Brother Michael Bistreich - President
V:.W:. James Reichman - 1st Vice President
W:. Tom Stanten - 2nd Vice President
R:.W:. Gino Gennari - Recording Secretary
W:. Mark Amerise - Correspondence Secretary
R:.W:. Antonio Giannattasio - Treasurer
The 3rd Kings Masonic District Lodges -