25,000,000 Names of Jesus in Genesis 1:1

The engineering involved in the creation of the above geometry is more than spectacular, it is nothing short of jaw-dropping, because it all can be found in the original Hebrew words for: 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.' The math is a direct result of the standard science of the indexing of prime and composite numbers, a feat only achieved in the modern era, but miraculously seen here in one of the most famous and ancient of all texts—the very first verse of the Torah, aka Genesis 1:1.

As all octagonal numbers are the sum of the frames of cubes, nesting one within one another, a sum like 258,720, can be made into an All-pyramid or Omnoctal-pyramid construction. This mathematical marvel houses a host of proofs of the existence of God in the person of Jesus Christ. In fact, it presents over 25 Million of them, all in just the first seven words of the Bible!

The Super-Star of David

The animation below is what Genesis 1:1 looks like in a very deeply mathematical way and from a bit of a distance. Not to worry (I'm not trying to hide anything but the actual size and level of detail is too large to be seen by the naked eye) because the closer you look at this 'Bonded Star' of David the more it proves itself to be directly from on High (and from a Being who is known more commonly as Jesus Christ):



You can perform this test with your friends and family.

Simply copy and paste the animation into an email/social media and ask everyone what they think the object is supposed to be. If they say a Star of David, you can tell them they have proved the existence of God; because, if they recognize the symbol then they recognize the intelligent design in the deep, deep math of Genesis 1:1. And the wonderful thing about all this is, is if the skeptical ones wish to inquire further (link them to this page) it will only prove your point all the more!

The above star is a Bonded Star Configuration, which are created by alternating stars and centered hexagons. But this is a composite creation where each unit (the cube) is actually an innate geometry in its own right, an octagonal cube of 176 units.

When we assemble this number (258,720) into this star pattern something magical starts to happen with the numbers. Not coincidentally the Bonded Star (1470) is composed and created by stars of 73 and centered hexagons of 37, making this a stupendous example of the Three Seven Code at work.

By isolating the white hexagons of 37 we discover a truly terrific arithmetic pointing ever and again to the name above all names, the Lord Jesus Christ (3168).

37 x 3168:

The name and number of LJC-3168 is itself a star of stars, twice-over, with the hexagram frames 48 and 66 (48 x 66 = 3168).

The pattern of the name the Lord Jesus Christ, shows full agreement with one of the oldest known patterns in the Genesis text, that being in the fourth verse where God divides the light from the darkness, which shows full agreement with this the Genesis Matrix of the 294th octagonal number (258,720).

You wouldn't be wrong in thinking that these patterns look ridiculously Jewish. This is perfectly fitting since this does come from the very beginning of the most revered text in all of Judaism, the holiest of holy writs, the Torah. Moreover, the man known to history as Jesus of Nazareth was by all accounts ethnically, culturally a practicing Jew.

However, these patterns in the math can equally reflect the Christian symbol of the Cross, which is of course the Christian iconic equivalent of the Jewish Star of David.

(7 x 7) x 6 = 294

(176 x 5) x 6 = 258,720

This traditional cross is a basic pattern seen in the ordinal sum of the name Lord Jesus Christ (294) quite simply because 294 is six times the 7th square (49). The special and sacred number 7, is of course, reiterated countless times throughout the Tanakh (the Old Testament) as thee sacred number to the Jewish people, those who celebrate the Sabbath (the 7th day) and 7 x 7 is better known as a Jubilee, a Jewish (and later Christian) celebration of the passing of 7 x 7 years, hence Jubilees are celebrated every 49 + 1 years.

The number of ways in which the geometry of 176, the eighth octagonal number (octagonal numbers are numbers based on the shape of the octagon) is beyond words to describe, but clearly fundamental to both the cubic construction of the 8th octagonal number AND the very prime factorization of the 294th octagonal number (258,720).

The number 176 is also expressly Hebrew in its historical and biblical context, for it is the number of verses in the largest psalm in the largest book of the Bible. This is Psalm 119 an acrostic psalm, (a simple alphabetical poem) and the most famous for being the most explicitly acrostic of them all. The number of verses of Psalm 119 was without a doubt designed to reflect the following arithmetic:

22 x 8 = 176

Eight verses for every letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which just so happens to be the very formula for octagonal numbers, i.e. eight times a pentagonal number (8 x 22).

If you're beginning to think this seems all too strange and uncanny...

You ain't seen nothing yet!

As seen above, all octagonal numbers produce an All-pyramid configuration. So what happens when we cross reference the Bonded Star configuration (1470) with the All-pyramid configuration?

Another extraordinary feature of the numbers in white is the fact that they (7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7) - STAR(9) or 343^2 - 433. In another way, the entire complex is the 47th Bonded Star minus the 3rd, or (93^2*30) - (5^2*30) the latter being made up of 37's and 19's!

What you're looking is NOT a byproduct of the math or formulas for octagonal numbers, BUT to put it in a common frame of reference or even in a scientifically skeptical way, albeit easier to understand:


From a purely functional basis, there is a very good reason why the six-pointed star (the hexagram) would be selected as both a religious icon and a mathematical template. The answer is, quite simply, the hexagram/star-numbers are thee most flexible (and hence universal, the original meaning of the word Catholic) shape/number-series conceivable. I would and could argue this point to the death with any and all intellectuals including the world's top mathematicians; that's how convinced I am on the matter. But you don't need to take my word for it, just look at the evidence for yourself here in Star Math(s).

So it is not too surprising then, that this number can be once again reconfigured into another star-system. The importance of this, is the number 55 the average of the stars 37 and 73, the dual and double basis for biblical mathematics itself.

258,720/28 = (3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 7) - (3 x 7)

This is perhaps the classic example of a Letter-Fractal, where the number of letters in the protoverse is an object of the expression of the geometry. Here the 28 letters of Genesis 1:1 can be reiterated nine-thousand-two-hundred and forty times and read (as it were) on a parchment made of stars... .

The entire star series can be average out in this fashion, where every three stars are the central polygonal numbers times: 6*(n^2 - n + 1) - 1 ; every four stars: 6*(n^2+1) - 1; every five stars: 12*(n(n+1)/2 + 1) - 1, the other central polygonal numbers or the Lazy Caterer's Sequence.

Both the number of letters in the first verse (28) and the prime factors of the first verse (37 x 73) can be found in explicit ways in this geometry.

Below is an example of a Hyper-Delineated Star, which is fancy way of saying a hexagram highlighted both interior and exterior perimeters. This new star pattern is very easily calculated for it is Star2(n) - Star(n), meaning whatever the star number is, double it subtract the first, e.g. 181 - 13 = 168, 337 - 73 = 264, 541 - 181 = 360, etc..

168 is famous in math-circles because 168 is the number prime numbers under 1,000, the basis of the maths behind the Riemann (Zeta) Hypothesis.

If you are new to the 37x73.com suite of websites or the discipline of biblical mathematics, then the above title THE 25 MILLION NAMES OF JESUS IN GENESIS 1:1 may seem like a ridiculous impossibility. AND even if, you are a long time ardent student of biblical mathematics, even then, the above title may seem hard to fully come to terms with; nevertheless, in either event, the above title is absolutely 100% true and can be verified as such. Such is the explosive power of numbers and mathematics.

The giant configuration above is based on the arithmetic of octagonal geometry (176 - 8 = 168) and two elements of hexagonal prism surface points, 14 and 110, both of which are produced by two subsequent stars numbers (1+13 & 37+73). The 110-cubes are based on 7th cube (343) and each one is completed by adding 233 (the sum for the Tree of Life). Each grouping of 14 of these 110 cubes corresponds to the 21st cube (9261) AND if you calculate the volume of the entirety, it is a cube of the first hyper-delineated star (21 x 8 = 168) in other words: A Star of Stars of Stars.

Total Cubic Volume = 168 x 168 x 168

168^3 = 4,741,632 = 8^3 x 21^3

For those new to the concept of biblical mathematics the basic premise is quite simple: People in the past didn't have our Hindu-Arabic numerals (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,& 0) but that doesn't mean they didn't have math. That just means they didn't use our symbols, instead they used a series of symbols that everyone already knew and were already familiar with, which were most commonly the letters of their alphabet's. This is called gematria and it is a fascinating and forgotten fact of history, but it is not something that anyone has just made up; it is independently true.

The graphic above is one of the many new spectacular 'crossover' discoveries found between the patterns seen in the decimal expansion of pi (3.14159...) and that of the extended mathematics of the first verse. The central cube in blue is highlighted in pi at precisely the place equivalent to the Lord Jesus Christ and this pattern fits perfectly within the larger geometry of Genesis 1:1.

What all this means, is that the Bible, originally written in Hebrew (and a little Aramaic) and Koine Greek, can also be read as a historical document entirely written in empirically verifiable number. Said in another way, the Bible, besides being a lot of things, is also history's largest math book. What biblical mathematics has discovered over the last 30 years about this giant 'math-book' is that it is filled and brimming with astonishing and highly improbable mathematical patterns from its very first verse.

It is because this all begins at the very first verse that makes this important and so very unlikely. Large books (or collections of data) will always have astonishing coincidences in them, by random chance alone, due only to the sheer volume of the data. So any data-pool the size of the Bible, will always have crazy patterns in it somewhere, but those patterns will be somewhere and not in the very first verse of a 30,000 verse book and nor will those patterns be a repetition (a mathematical fractal) of that very first verse, and yet that is exactly what we find in the body of historical documents that makes up the modern Bible.

Now, what we have found, is that the very first verse also houses over 25,000,000 references to the proper sacred name of Jesus Christ.

Click here to read more about Leo's amazing discovery in the prime index of Genesis 1:1

The Master of Mirror Mathematics

What set this monumental discovery of the Genesis Matrix in motion was a detail in the mathematics of Genesis 1:1 that your author overlooked!

It was clear to some clever researchers that the best places to search was the data-banks of science itself. Fundamental to math, number theory and hence science, is the hidden pattern of the primes, numbers that can only be divided by one and themselves. These numbers are studied more than any other and other numbers are secondary to the importance of prime numbers. You can see this bias in the way that mathematicians name these other numbers:

Numbers with 1 factor are called: Primes

Numbers with 2 factors are called: Semi-Primes

Numbers with 3 factors are called: 3-Almost Primes

Numbers with 4 factors are called: 4-Almost Primes... .

And on and on it goes. This hierarchy doesn't mean that these numbers are of lesser importance (generally) but that they are subsequent to the central pattern of the prime numbers. This all important pattern of the primes has been known and appreciated in science for thousands of years and was called once upon a time: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, one if not the first great proof of mathematics, discovered by none other than the very father of geometry Euclid himself.

So looking at these patterns would be a very clever place to search for confirmation patterns within the structure of Genesis 1:1. I searched through them myself, but I must have been asleep that day and I missed something terribly important. However, I am not the only researcher in biblical mathematics and one of the best is Leo Tavares, who has made fundamental discoveries in this nascent science and one of his greatest was what he discovered in the pattern of the primes and semi-prime numbers.

If we then go to the very next prime index of the 3-almost primes, something very similar happens, where the sum is the average of the twenty-first cube and the very next odd cube twenty-three cubed.

This number (10,714) led to the discovery of how nature spatially averages out two odd cubes, and it does so by borrowing-from-Peter-to-pay-Paul—geometrically speaking. Which is by borrowing the planes between corners and paying forward the center-lines down the middle (see illustration).

These are centerless semi-cubes, or the average of two consecutive odd cubes.

The above two facts, are what you might call unequivocal, that is to say, all things considered, something very strange is going on in the mathematics of the first verse. I mean just look at it. There is a cube hidden in Genesis 1:1. And its a cube made up entirely of 3's and 7's. How did it get it there? Who put it there? And why does this thing exist millennia prior to the standardization of prime numbers? These are all good questions.

But what happens when we go down to the ORDINAL and the next index associated with the primes?

Genesis 1:1 ORDINAL Values indexed to the 3-Almost Primes = 1261

The former cube of 21 x 21 x 21 now folds up into two dimensions and becomes a 2-dimensional centered hexagon.

Another way to envision the 21st cube is to see it as a triangle of triangles of triangles, being that 21 is itself the 6th triangle. This configuration displays a coordination with the ordinal prime index, a negative space-filling connection to the ordinal first five words of the Bible in the number 225, and the common marker of triple 6's, aka the dreaded 666, a digit series that appears again and again in the divine designs, against the modern common belief in its diabolical origins.

Cubes can be measured fairly in three dimensions, as they are three dimensional prisms. So by counting up the individual rows and collected columns of the cube in each of the three dimensions, we can count the number of times we find 294. In other words, in the 294th cube there will be 294 x 294 x 294 lengths of the sum 294. There are many other ways to enumerate 294 from its own cube, but at minimum there are over 25 million references to the name of Jesus, in the full religious title of Lord Jesus Christ, in the first verse of the Bible.

The 25 Million Names of Jesus

I am often asked: "How can just seven words add up to 25 million names of Jesus?" My answer is: "Math. It adds up."

The question is honest but the full answer is not overly simple, BUT IT IS totally accurate. Looking at the images below of the cubic representation of the Genesis Matrix, even at a glance, it is unthinkable that this might come about by random chance, the most unthinkable thing about it is, the fact that it stands as vanguard to an entire army of facts just like it. The Genesis Matrix culminates in an awe-inspiring octagonal number (258,720).

But what's so special about octagonal numbers?

The initial development of the mathematical models of the text, concerned itself primarily with triangles and hexagrams, as these were clearly indicated in the first verse (the prototype verse). Later discoveries, such as the fact that a fair reading of the Lord's Prayer showed itself to be the 37th octagonal number (4033) suggested that these numbers were somehow connected to the other patterns already established.

We just didn't know how.

By digging into the geometry what we discovered was that Star Numbers (hexagrams) and Octagonal Numbers, were not only related, but were part of a continuum of star polygonal patterns and the geometric template for all polygonal numbers. The key to these findings was how first and second octagonal numbers produce the star numbers AND how both have a highly integrated cubic geometry. These discoveries can be read about in the Star Math(s) page.

Of all 3D shapes, the cube is the most important because it is a pure arithmetic as simple as n x n x n.

Because all octagonal numbers are the sum of the frames of cubes, each one of which fills the full dimension of a cube, such 3D configurations can be enumerated precisely in the same manner as a traditional cube. In other words, you can find (at minimum) 294x294x294 dimensional lengths in the 294th octagonal cube configuration.

The Genesis Matrix (seen above) appears to be a reference to the decimal system of number representation, and accords itself to Jewish mysticism in its connection to the number TEN (3 + 7). The final composite element (that appears above as an appendix to the matrix, should be understood as a punctuation mark to the matrix. Where there is a infinity of almost-primes, there can be only one composite index, as it is the totality of all the almost primes. So in seeing an inclusion of the composite index, what we are seeing is a statement of conclusion.

One of the primary proofs of Genesis 1:1 is in the famous T(73) triangle (2701). There we see the classic example of Jenkins Containment (named after the late great researcher who help found the discipline, Vernon Jenkins) where the 37th triangle is 'contained' by the 73rd is own triangular digital reversal, the entire complex of which is prime factored at 37 x 73. If it wasn't for those two facts, I wouldn't be writing what you're currently reading.

Much of the story of the discipline, is the long and arduous search for other examples of the classic Jenkins Containment. To find it in a 3D geometry the size of the 294th octagon, would be unprecedented. Not only do we find it there, but we find it as a multiple of the original sum (703, the 37th triangle).

Genesis 1:1 Jenkins Containment: = 703

Genesis Matrix Equivalent = 703 x 92

The odds that this matrix would randomly be a multiple of 703 is an easy calculation but very very low odds: Determining the odd simply divide one by that number or 1/703 = 0.001422475106685633 an 18 digit repeating number whose sum is 3 x 7 x 3.

This containment number displays itself in a stunning series of fully symmetrical geometries.

The symmetry here is the important element, because such symmetry is difficult (improbable) to find by random chance alone. The blue hexagons emblazoned on each fin of the configuration is the 41st centered hexagon (41 is the ordinal sum of God in Hebrew Elohim). The factorization of this hexagon is a grand perfection of the Three Seven Code:

(The 37th Triangle) x 7

Other such patterns that conform to the principles of Jenkins Containment abound. Perhaps the most elaborate complex is the Blue China Configuration:

The seven-fold pattern fits within just one cube on each fin.

As stated, a multitude of other geometries exist in this sum 64,676:

The number itself is a basic composite geometry highly reflective of common biblical math themes.

No analysis of this geometry would be complete without an examination of the 294th cube itself, which is a cube of cubes composed of the STANDARD semi-prime index of Genesis 1:1:

The octagonal architecture of the geometry is resplendent with a host of coordinations with original inherent geometry of the protoverse (2701) now in the form of the 73rd triangle.

Each window on each of the six sides of the cube exactly allows 16 T(73)'s. This intricate working creates an overall painting that one could call a toy-box pattern, reflecting the deep synthesis of the engineering between the original protoverse sum (2701) and the Genesis Matrix sum (258,720).

The Genesis Matrix

Click to ENLARGE

37 x 13,969 = 516,853 = Star 294

Because 1st & 2nd octagonal numbers always sum to a Star Number, every octagonal number directly implies a specific Star Number. Where Star 294 and Star 198 are seen in the Genesis 1:1 Matrix, Star 70 manifests in the decimals of pi pertaining to the name the Lord Jesus Christ in Greek.

The Mind-Boggling Math of Genesis 1:1

One of the most astounding features of this 11-fold matrix of Genesis 1:1 is how the arithmetic proves the matrix itself. The sum of 258,720 (the 294th octagonal number) is a multiple of the cells of the matrix itself, i.e. it means every cell of the matrix has an exact whole number average.

Cells in the matrix = 77

258,720/77 = 3360

This would appear to indicate that this number is of some importance to the discipline of biblical mathematics. For me, it was something of a mystery at first, until Rob Slattery of Biblegematria.com, showed me how this number is very much part of the star patterns seen so frequently in the maths of the Bible.

The 10th star number (541) is one of the most famous and for good reason, being that it is the sum of the Hebrew word Israel, the only nation on earth whose flag bears the iconic symbol of a Star of David. The meaning and impact of the larger second star will be immediately understood and appreciated by any person of the Hebrew faith, schooled as they are in the basic patterns of gematria. Clearly one of the most important numbers in Hebrew gematria, must be attached to the most important name in the Jewish religion, that being the most sacred and revered name of the Lord (Yahweh).

Yahweh = 26

Hence, in a simply divine orchestration of geometry and gematria, the configuration displays Israel in the midst of the Star of the Lord. Not only is this an appropriate and deeply profound theology, it is made infinitely more profound by the fact this configuration laid hidden in the deep math of Genesis 1:1 for three millennia. So when you consider this configuration, you must also consider its history and the whole sweeping history of the Judaeo-Christian story of which it so elegantly confirms.

The mind-boggling magic math happens, when you apply this perfect average to the matrix of which it belongs.

The above graphic displays how each column AND the entire main body, corresponding to the prime elements of the matrix, are part of a sequence of multi-palindromic numbers, numbers that are the most to read the same backwards and forwards in all number bases. This is truly universalized mathematics.

The 37th highest multi-palindromic number is truly a significant find in the discipline, because there is only one such number out of all numbers (out of all number bases) and here we find it strongly encoded in the matrix. And naturally, it is a multiple of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in Greek:

3168 x 70 = 221,760

Many of the numbers in the sequence (A107129) are factors in the prime factorization of the 294th octagon (258,720). The list also contains many factorials, (numbers that are the product of ordinal multiplication, i.e. 1x2x3x4x5... .) including the 5!, the 6! and 7! factorials. But it is the 21st (3 x 7) entry on the list that requires our attention, because it too is a factor of the 294th octagon, and it represents the number of letters in the first verse from which this entire exercise was initially generated.

The average for each word of the first verse, under the rubric of the matrix, is 36,960 (the sum of each column) but it is also the equivalent of the 8th factorial minus the cell sum. By a strange (I'm not sure the word coincidence makes any sense in this context) but by a strange coincidence, this same sum is the 35th cube minus an exactly perfect multiple of the number 73.

(35 x 35 x 35) - (73 x 35) = 36,960

The average per letter (9240) besides being a concentrated cluster of Three-Seven math, is also the sum of this important passage in the Genesis Account. It wouldn't be totally wrong to call this the genesis of the feminine.

The Toledot Mystery


A most interesting cross-over of biblical mathematics and biblical Hebrew scholarship is found in Genesis 2:4, known as the Toledot Mystery. This enigma pertains to an oddity in the spelling of the word Toledot (Hebrew for generations (תולדות)). The first use of the word in the Bible is in Genesis 2:4, HOWEVER, subsequent spellings of this word alter the spelling slightly by eliminating one of the 'Vav's', the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

That is UNTIL we come to the 'generations' of Ruth in the ancestry of Christ. Sarah E. Fisher's site Hebrewwordlessons.com lists all the 39 other verses that use the word Toledot (generations) highlighting the Ruth 4:18 verse, concerning the ancestor Pharez which is of course 370 in Hebrew gematria! So what happens when we look at the whole that is the only one that goes back to the first spelling found in Genesis 2:4?

Ruth 4:18 = 2438

Now these are the generations of Pharez: Pharez begat Hezron,

Jesus the Christ = 2438 = (ιησους ο χριστος)

Mat. 16:20

This has been noted by Christian scholars of the Bible as profound evidence for the secret hand of the Holy Spirit in the divine authorship of the text. And rightly so!

The connection of this verse to the name and number the Lord Jesus Christ is staggering and much of it was discovered in a blitz by the mirror mathematics master Leo Tavares in a strange sort of synchronicity with my own research after sending him the graphic at the heading of this section. In quick time he turned out these powerful proofs where he reverses the digits of the sum:

Standard Hebrew Genesis 2:4 = 3462

3462 - (3^2 + 7^2) = T37 + T73

2643 + (7^2 + 3^2) = 37 × 73

3462 + 2643 =

T73 + T37 + T73

The verse itself is a trapezium or pedestal to the triangle of 294 (this fact was discovered by none other than Leo Tavares). The T(294) triangle (43,365) can be deconstructed into (T(282) 39,903 + 3462) making a perfect connection once again to one of the two primary name and numbers directly associated with the name Lord Jesus Christ in Greek. The number 282 is similarly strongly associated through the well known and established connection between the prophetic person of Melchizedek and the Christ.

Melchizedek King of Salem, Priest of the Most High = 282

עליון לאל כהן שלם מלך צדק-מלכי

Genesis 14:18

(Hebrew Ordinal)

This couples with the fact that the name Melchizedek in Standard Hebrew is itself equal to 294:

Lord Jesus Christ = 294

Kυριος Ιησους Χριστος

Melchizedek = 294


This triangular connection is geometrically imprinted on the 294th octagonal configuration in a number of ways. Perhaps the most stunning is the triangular spiral, which prints itself on each one of the six sides of the cubic configuration. Triangular numbers do this, because all squares are composed of two subsequent triangular numbers, which also accord themselves to dual spirals. In this instance the 3462 sum creates a triple border on each face.

If then we add up all those verses after the initial Toledot Verse (Genesis 2:4) we find our Three Seven Code, exactly where it ought to be, as a multiple of 37:

174,825 = (333) x (3 x 7) x (5 x 5)

174,825 = (777) x (3 x 3) x (5 x 5)

174,825 = (925) x (3 x 7) x (3 x 3)

The last one is a multiple of the English Jesus Christ 925 and a synthesis of the math of the former two. All three (and many others besides) create another familiar family of 3/7 figurative geometries, including one that coordinates with the first five words of the Bible in the ordinal:

(In the beginning God created the heavens) x 777 = 174,825

This multitude of math displays that there is much more to this mystery than spelling (or misspelling) alone.

This double pattern is doubly starry as well, reflecting a two-fold Star of David geometry in the sacred name and verse.

The ordinal version of the name is a perfect match for the standard configuration, where the 294 can be applied to the rays of the 3168 star of stars.

The LJC-294 configuration is called the diamond-star configuration and is an important application in right triangle geometry so essential to trigonometry and the Pythagorean thereom, the oldest theorem in all of mathematics.

The name of Jesus (the phrase itself is a politically and culturally loaded explosive) is a matter of historical fact. That is to say, no one gets to make up the exact spelling, pronunciation and all associated grammars of that name and/or title/epithets. There were given to us by the forces of history. The name/epithet in Greek (Koine) New Testament is as solid as solid can be.

HOWEVER, the name in Hebrew is similarly academically solid, BUT is mired in centuries of controversy, muddied with histories of religious intolerance and what-is-now-called 'hate', and horribly blurred by the general population's ignorance of the original Hebrew spelling (and pronunciation of the name) including and especially the Christian general populace.

Many Christian's celebrate the name of the Savior in the name of Yeshua (and if you do I am not calling you a heretic or blasphemer by any means (I am only saying softly that you are technically incorrect)) not knowing that the name Yeshua is NOT the name of the Jesus in Hebrew, but the inherited name that later Jewish scribes assigned to 'Jesus' in order to differentiate him from the Old Testament character of Joshua.

Why would they need to do this?

Because Jesus's name is JOSHUA!

We know this and we know its exact spelling because the name Joshua is highlighted in two places in the New Testament and translated into Greek and it has the exact same spelling as Jesus (Yehsous) in the Koine Greek of the time, from those authors closest to the original source. That is what makes the Yahoshu'a Hebrew spelling of Jesus (Joshua) absolutely definitive. Period.

Nevertheless, the on and off again history of the Hebrew language had more tricks up its sleeve.

Yeshua isn't the only alternative spelling of the Hebrew name for Jesus. Another that is still in usage in modern Hebrew is that of Yeshu. Now if Yeshu doesn't sound all that right to you, it's okay because Yeshu is basically an abbreviation of an alteration. One could make a very strong argument (though it might be a polemic) that the very name Yeshu, in Hebrew, is an assault and insult on the dignity and truth of the Divinity of Christ. Indeed, in the very tract of the Toledot(h) Yeshu, we are told of the change from Jesus to Yeshu:

Miriam gave birth to a son and named him Yehoshua, after her brother.

This name later deteriorated to Yeshu.

—Toledoth Yeshu

The above image may look innocent enough. And if you can read your Hebrew you can see that the title has the exact same word in it as our Toledot Mystery with the exact same Toledot spelling. The similarities end there. The Toledot Yeshu is actually an ancient anti-Christian form of Jewish propaganda. Not really meant for Christians, per se, but more for those Jews who might be wondering about Christianity. This 'retelling' of the life of Jesus (filled with inventions, insinuations and lies) was written to ward the curious Jew off of any further interest in Christianity.

So why would I bring this up (and risk looking like an anti-Semite just for doing so)?

Because the strange thing about the name Jesus in Hebrew, in ALL its varied forms, is that they all appear to show similar patterns. One might think that the Supreme Being would consider the alternative versions of the name Jesus in Hebrew, as sacra-religious or even blasphemous, as that's exactly how a human would think. But it would seem that God goes the other way. Because the Yeshu spelling (the spelling that is basically a historical insult in Hebrew) is actually more honored in the math than the common everyday version of Yeshua.

That may sound strange to you. But to me, that strangeness sounds a lot like God. It also sounds a lot like a God who would send his Son to a humiliating and torturous death on the Cross, a fearless act absorbing all the hate and sin of the world.

There is of course another word for the strangeness of this concept in English, a word that truly captures the essence or gist of the moment, a word that television talking heads and poets and poorly construed pop-songs have gone on about at length.

That word is irony.

(37th + 73rd prime) + (37th + 73rd composite number)

(157 + 367) + (54 + 99) = 677

Other new developments shows its prominence and interconnectedness and can be seen in this recent discovery by the Russian researcher Dimitry and myself:

This also includes one of my very first graphics made (the one that started it all you might say) the discovery that the Yeshu Spelling correlated to the factors of the first verse:


Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

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“If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink.

For in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.”

—Romans 12:20 & Proverbs 25:21-22