Invited Speakers

Keynote Presentation

The IEEE Rebooting Computing Initiative and the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems

Thomas M. Conte (Professor, Schools of CS and ECE and Director, Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies, Georgia Institute of Technology; Vice Chair, International Roadmap for Devices and Systems; Co-Chair, IEEE Rebooting Computing Initiative)

Back in 2012, IEEE began an initiative to seek the viability of very different ways to compute.  At the time, the motivation was that parallelism (multicore), although a highly successful tool, likely wasn't the only solution.  We held four invitational summits of thought leaders from academia, industry and government.  The output of these summits influenced public policy and industry.  Shortly after we began our work, we also signed a cooperating agreement with the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS).  The ITRS effort was ended by its sponsor, Semiconductor Industry Association.  But not everyone in industry nor government thought this was a sensible move.  Thus the ITRS was reborn as the IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS).  I will present what is different between the old ITRS and the new IRDS, and also what is the same between the two.