2021 Squad Leader Campagne de France 1940

Welcome on the 2021 Squad Leader Campagne de France 1940. This is an exclusive Campaign for the French Community of Squad Leader players, all members of the French Facebook Group "SQUAD LEADER Francophone".

As a big project for 2021, Guy Saignes (aka Chacal on the Ladder), Jean Galant (aka Jean1505) and myself, JackMunchkin (same on the Ladder) decided to launch a huge campaign game with determined rules opened to as many French speaking players. We have about 60 scenarios available, covering the whole French Campaign of 1940 on Three Fronts (North, Center, South) and covering invasions of Netherlands, Belgium and France from May 10 to June 1940.

ACTIVE Players : (Ladder Name)


Guy Saignes (Chacal)

Frédéric Le Goff (RedDawn37510)

Tony Vere (anthony)

Patrick Brun (patbru)

Tristan Dicop (Tridic)

Davouille (Davouille)


Jean Galant (jean1505)

Christophe Aeby (Has3Bal)

Jack Munchkin (Jack Munchkin)

Philippe Perain (philippe)

Jerome Escotte (Jerome)

Laurent Berteau (LaurentB)

Christophe Jourdan (Amalrian)

Scenarios TIMELINE