
With scouts, you’re not really buying a service so much as joining a movement, so we expect or parents to help out a bit as otherwise all the work of running the Group falls on a few tired heads. This could be helping clean-up after a meeting, occasional duties such as helping out in the Scout Shop, running a meeting on a subject that interests you or just helping with crowd control or running a “base” the occasional week. We run a regular parent rota to make sure all of this is fairly dealt-out.

The Executive

Believe it or not, not all decisions are taken by the Leaders. We actually have a group of people made up of leaders, parents and other stakeholders to help decide on our direction. The Exec makes decisions on policy, finances, what we do and how we do it. We operate as a charity, so they also form our trustees. We like to keep at least one parent from each of the sections on the committee, but everyone is welcome – especially if you have strong opinions...


Ever wanted to revisit your childhood (at least the fun bits)? We are always looking to get adults involved in Scouting as Leaders and Assistants. So come and try the “4-week challenge” and see if you enjoy it as much as we do. Just ask any of our Leaders and they’ll (enthusiastically!) fill you in on the details.


Camps are a fun, but intensive time and involve a lot of stuff being moved about. Tents, stoves, gas bottles tools etc. etc. For this to work, we have to adopt an “all hands on deck” approach, so don’t be surprised if you’re asked to take a little something extra in your car. Parents can also help-out at camp with catering, activities, setting-up & tearing down. Tents also get wet and we may need some help in getting them dry before they are put away (or, like Scout socks, they get a bit whiffy).