Meet The Leaders & The Group Exec

Group Trustees Chair

David Cox

Group Trustees Treasurer

Jon Clinkard

Group Trustees Secretary's

Pauline Wilkinson &

Gail Duckworth

Group Trustee Scout Parent

Position Vacant

Group Trustee Cub Parent

Position Vacant

Group Beaver Parent

Position Vacant

Group Young Trustee


Position Vacant

Group Lead Volunteer

Graham Duckworth

Group Deputy Lead Volunteer

Mathew Labuda

Beaver Lead Volunteer

Ben Wicksteed

Beaver Adult Volunteer  Manuela Perez De Haro

Beaver Adult Volunteer

Jonny Grant

Beaver Adult Volunteer

Position Vacant

Cub Adult Volunteer

 Position Vacant

Cub Adult Volunteer

Position Vacant

Cub Adult Volunteer

Position Vacant

Scout Lead Volunteer

 Graham Duckworth

Scout Adult Volunteer

Mark Taylor

We are always looking for new volunteers to help with the group whether it be becoming part of the Fund Raising Team, Quartermaster for the equipment, Group Trustee (parent with child in one of the sections), or becoming a leader (which bumps your child to the top of the waiting list), we will always accept help when it is offered so please contact us.