1st Bloxham Beavers

The Beavers section is for all young people (girls & boys) aged 6-8 years old!

Our new volunteer Leaders - Robin, Badger & Hawkeye (the Owl) run the program for the Beaver Colony, with lost of exciting activities all working toward earning lots of badges.

Beavers runs Wednesday the 17th of January 2024 (5:30 to 6:30 pm) at Bloxham Primary School.

We have a maximum number of Beavers of 18 (based on the current number of adult volunteers) but we are happy to add any children (girls and boys) to the waiting list.

Please go to the "Join Us" section in "More" and send us the requested details for your child.

Fancy seeing if you would like to become an Adult Volunteer and help us boost Beaver Numbers?

If you are interested in joining the friendly leader team, then e-mail us at 1stbloxhamscouting@gmail.com and we can arrange a "come and see" session.