Pictures & Videos

Genesee G Gauge Railway Society.

Rochester, NY

Photos and Videos! 

From club members Garden Railroads, club events and train shows.

Newest albums are at the top. 

RIT Train show, December 2018

(Click on the image below to go to the page. )

RIT Train show, new trackplan!

December 2017

(Click on the image below to go to the page. )

Bob Conge.

Club member Bob Conge got his Garden Railroad up and running in 2016!

 Bob has shared videos and photos, thanks Bob!

Video, September 2017:

Photo, September 2017:

Video, October 2016:

Video, December 2016:

Jim Melton.

The Brockport & Western Railroad.

Photo album of the construction of Jim Melton's indoor G gauge railroad. 2014 - 2016.

thanks Jim! 

Video - August 2016

Video - April 2017

Jim O'Keefe.

Two Videos from club member Jim O'Keefe, June 2016:

"A one minute video of my train layout, that hasn’t been run in two years, 

pulling into Shady Grove Station @ Jim O’Keefe’s."

Video - June 2016

"Here is a video of the “sky” view of the village & “wilds” of Shady Grove."

Video - June 2016

Rebuilding the St. Johns Meadows Garden Railroad.


Click HERE to go to the St. Johns Meadows Photo Page.  

Genesee G Gauge Railway Society

Garden Railroad Display at Bristols Garden Center.

April 5-6, 2014 (Sat-Sun)

video by Tony Mesolella


 Genesee G Gauge Railway Society, Garden Railroad Display at the Monroe County Fair.    


Rochester, NY, July 11-15 2012. The club was invited to build a large model train display for the fair,along with our "scenery partner" Bristols Garden Center. GGGRS club members provided the track, trains and control systems. Bristols provided the plants, support tables and landscaping material, and both groups built and scenicked the railroad! It was a great success! and one of our largest displays ever: 

Photo Album:

More photos and videos from the Fair!

Photo Slideshow of the construction of the railroad, by Joe Murrer Jr:

Three Videos by Scot Lawrence:

Ridge Road Station Railroad.

January 2011

Photo Album:

Ridge Road Station closed down in 2011, and the railroad was dismantled by GGGRS.

The "Gold Mine" module,(which was right in the front as you entered the Ridge Road Station "train room")

is now part of the Christmas display at Garden Factory.

First annual GGGRS "Club Run Day" at Garden Factory.

December 17, 2011.

Garden Factory in Gates, NY (near Rochester) has a HUGE indoor G-gauge train display! It was built by two GGGRS club members, Peter Todd and Dave Rouse, during the 1990's, and Garden Factory sets it up and runs trains every year during the Christmas holiday season, Thanksgiving to New Years. This year (2011) Garden Factory let the GGGRS club have an afternoon where we could all come in and run our trains on the huge layout! Thanks Garden Factory! 

Photo Album:

Jim & Sue Henrich's Money Pit Railroad - 2009

Photo Album:

Ropex Stamp Show, Webster NY, June 21-22, 2003

Photo Album, photos by Scot Lawrence:

GGGRS Clubhouse - Irondequoit mall.

Photo Album, from 2003, photos by Scot Lawrence:

Bug Swamp Junction - On Mary's Dog Leg Gulch Railroad.

Mary & Scot's explosives car, in action at the Strong show.

March 5, 2005.

If you are a GGGRS member, and would like a slideshow / photo collection of your own, 

to show photos of your railroad, models, or anything, just let me know and I will help you 

set it up. its easy! 
