12 Squadron - Operations Record Book - May 1943

Each RAF Squadron complied a daily diary of events known as the RAF Form 540 "Summary of Events". This normally consisted of weather reports, crews posted in and out, very basic operation details and training activities. As such they are a very important historical account of squadron day to day life.

Complementing this was RAF Form 541 "Detail of Work Carried Out", which was a detailed account of each operation. This consisted of target, crew details, bomb loads and operation information gathered from the crews.

I have literally typed in what was on the printed forms and apart from obvious spelling mistakes - this is how they were. I suspect there are many errors especially where crew names are concerned. I am not sure whether to leave the errors or to correct them.

At the head of each operation I have added some extra information regarding the total Bomber Command effort for that raid.

4/5 May 1943


596 aircraft - 255 Lancasters, 141 Halifaxes, 110 Wellingtons, 80 Stirlings, 10 Mosquitoes - on the largest 'non-1,000' raid of the war to date and the first major attack on Dortmund. 31 aircraft - 12 Halifaxes, 7 Stirlings, 6 Lancasters, 6 Wellingtons - lost, 5.2% of the force. A further 7 aircraft crashed in bad weather at the bases.

12 Squadron losses - 0

12/13 May 1943


572 aircraft - 238 Lancasters, 142 Halifaxes, 112 Wellingtons, 70 Stirlings, 10 Mosquitoes. 34 aircraft - 10 Lancasters, 10 Wellingtons, 9 Halifaxes, 5 Stirlings - lost, 5.9% of the force.

12 Squadron losses - 1; Sgt Alexander and crew

13/14 May 1943


442 aircraft - 135 Halifaxes, 104 Wellingtons, 98 Lancasters, 95 Stirlings, 10 Mosquitoes; 5 Group did not take part in this raid. 24 aircraft - 13 Halifaxes, 6 Wellingtons, 4 Stirlings, 1 Lancaster - lost, 5.4% of the force.

12 Squadron losses - 2; Sgt Morgan and crew; Sgt Scott and crew (later picked up in the Channel unhurt)

20/21 May 1943


23 aircraft minelaying in southern Biscay - No losses.

23/24 May 1943


After a 9-day break in major operations, Bomber Command dispatched 826 aircraft on this raid, the greatest number in a 'non-1,000' raid so far in the war and the largest raid of the Battle of the Ruhr. The force comprised: 343 Lancasters, 199 Halifaxes, 151 Wellingtons, 120 Stirlings and 13 Mosquitoes. 38 aircraft - 18 Halifaxes, 8 Lancasters, 6 Stirlings, 6 Wellingtons - were lost, 4.6% of the force.

Incidentally 7 days previously the much celebrated Dams Raid was carried out by 617 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson, for which he was to receive a Victoria Cross.

12 Squadron losses - 1; F/O Mounsey and crew

25/26 May 1943


759 aircraft - 323 Lancasters, 169 Halifaxes, 142 Wellingtons, 113 Stirlings, 12 Mosquitoes. 27 aircraft - 9 Lancasters, 8 Stirlings, 6 Wellingtons, 4 Halifaxes - lost, 3.6% of the force.

12 Squadron losses - 1; F/S Steele and crew. Also F/Sgt Routledge, Wireless Operator of P/O Wright's crew

27/28 May 1943


518 aircraft - 274 Lancasters, 151 Halifaxes, 81 Wellingtons, 12 Mosquitoes. 23 aircraft - 11 Halifaxes, 6 Lancasters, 5 Wellingtons, 1 Mosquito - lost, 4.4% of the force. Oboe sky-marking was employed over a cloud covered target.

12 Squadron losses - 0

29/30 May 1943


719 aircraft - 292 Lancasters, 185 Halifaxes, 118 Stirlings, 113 Wellingtons, 11 Mosquitoes. 33 aircraft - 10 Halifaxes, 8 Stirlings, 8 Wellingtons, 7 Lancasters - lost, 4.6% of the force.

12 Squadron losses - 1; F/LT Goudge and crew