
2023/10/29 - 研討會順利落幕 🎉





2023/10/20 - 🌟 2023年《亞太青少年社會科學期刊》10/29(日)常見問答(FAQs)



 研討會是否有衣著要求?/Any attire guide?


There is no strict guide for attire. You may have all your say in deciding on what to wear depending on your taste, the weather that day, or your need for photography.

 如何準備研討會報告?/How should I prepare for the seminar?




We’ll draw lots to deicide the sequence of presentations right as the seminar begins.

In your 7-minute presentation, we look forward to your insights on research motivation, question(s), literature review, methodology, possible research contributions and limitations.

 符合資格之候補作者是否可參與研討會?/Are waitlisted authors invited?


Yes, vacancies are awaiting your participation! Please follow the instruction in previous email(s) or on our website for registration and details.

 If I’m more comfortable speaking English, is it okay?

Yes, since our Journal has 2 working languages of Mandarin and English, we’re happy to include languages in both paperwork and in-person communication.

It’s also great if your presentation is verbally in English, and we do believe listeners will provide feedback in either language you may be comfortable with.

If you need any assistance in English, please feel free to let us know.



2023/10/17 - 🌟 2023年《亞太青少年社會科學期刊》10/29(日)研討會資訊

(English follows below)


第二階段之實體研討會將於 2023 年 10 月 29 日(星期日)13:00-16:00 於台北市「小樹屋紅豆杉 201(台北市大同區南京西路 185 巷 6 之 1 號 2 樓)舉行。

獲正取者皆須依指定場次出席,並準備 7 分鐘之中/英文口頭報告(報告語言與投稿語言一致;可使用投影片),內容應包含研究動機及問題、研究方法、文獻回顧、目前研究進度、預期研究貢獻、所遭遇之研究困難等,以利當日學術之交流。

正取者請於 2023 年 10 月 23 日(星期一)前填妥研討會報名表單並完成下階段繳費(作者為單人或多人皆繳定額費用 1,800 元)。未於期限內填表或繳費者將視同棄權,並由備取者依序遞補。

備取提案若成功遞補,本小組將於 10 月 25 日(星期三)以前依順位通知,若無則不另行告知。

未能出席參與者亦可於 10 月 30 日(星期一)前向主辦單位申請電子版投稿證明(請提及作品名稱、作者中外文姓名及校名)。

註:所有時間皆以 UTC+8 時區為準。


Through independent academic review, with the four criteria of significance, creativity, feasibility, and carefulness taken into consideration. For more information on the proposals, please visit the Announcements page of the AYSS website.

The offline seminar of the next stage will take place on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at room 201 of The Happ. (2F, No. 6-1, Lane 185, Nanjing West Road, Datong District, Taipei City).

For better quality of academic exchange, all shortlisted authors are required to attend designated seminar sessions and deliver 7-minute presentations with slides (optional) covering research motivation, question(s), literature review, methodology, possible research contributions and limitations in the language of your submitted proposal.

Shortlisted proposal authors are required to complete registration and payment due on Monday, October 23, 2023. Late or no registration and/or payment will not be accepted and will be deemed a waiver of being a shortlisted author.

Waitlisted authors will receive notifications by Wednesday, October 25 when there is a chance to fill vacancies.

Authors unable to attend the seminar are welcome to apply for electronic certificates for their proposal submissions by contacting us by email by Monday, October 30.

Note: All times are in UTC+8.

2023/10/17  - 2023年《亞太青少年社會科學期刊》決選名單公告

2023/10/17  - 2023年《亞太青少年社會科學期刊》決選名單公告

在此恭喜獲選進入 AYSS 期刊下一階段的 12 件研究提案作者!


本屆 AYSS 期刊之 12 件獲選提案標題如下:

達到標準之 3 件備選提案標題如下:

本期刊團隊已透過電子郵件寄出關於 10 月 29 日(星期日)台北場研討會之重要資訊。獲選作者務必留意報名時填載之電子信箱以確認更多細節,並回覆是否出席該場研討會。


2022/11/30  - 2022年《亞太青少年社會科學期刊》決選名單公告

在此恭喜獲選進入 AYSS 期刊下一階段的 12 件研究提案作者!


本屆 AYSS 期刊之 12 件獲選提案標題如下:

達到標準之 3 件備選提案標題如下:

本期刊團隊將儘速透過電子郵件寄出關於 12 月 17 日(星期六)台北場研討會之重要資訊。獲選作者務必留意報名時填載之電子信箱以確認更多細節,並回覆是否出席該場研討會。


本區段不顯示早於 2022 年之最新消息。