Developing & Assessing Languages 

A Guide for Planning the Future of Our Language

This practical tool is for local communities who are interested in maintaining the use of their traditional languages. The text is written in a manner that is meant to be accessible to the general public.  A Guide for Planning the Future of Our Language 

The Language & Identity Journey

The Language & Identity Journey is an approach to community based language and identity development for language communities who want to develop one of their languages in new ways, or who are concerned about a language that is undergoing shift. It is based on a comprehensive model of language development known as the Sustainable Use Model.  The Language & Identity Journey 


Ethnologue exists to provide reliable, up-to-date resources for language research, documentation and the promotion of language development. This resource will help you find, read about and research the world’s nearly 7,500 known languages.  Ethnologue 

Parser and Writer for Syntax

Parser and Writer for Syntax (PAWS) helps users through the task of creating about a 100-page draft of a grammar of an undocumented or under-documented language.  Parser and Writer for Syntax.

Participatory Research in Linguistics

The main emphasis of this paper is the methodology developed for working out the phonological analysis in order to raise awareness of the native speakers for the sound and tone system of their language. The general principles of this participatory research can be applied to other domains such as grammar research, semantics and course analysis.  Participatory Research in Linguistics 

Rapid Grammar Collection 

In an age when efficiency and quality products are among the highest priorities of many organizations, the Rapid Grammar Collection approach attempts to keep both of these in balance. The approach of this paper is an attempt to engage mother-tongue speakers in the process of adequate linguistic analysis and documentation for language development in the quickest way possible.  Rapid Grammar Collection as an Approach to Language Development