
Mr. Damian Bardoni

Welcome to 3rd Math!

About Mr. Bardoni

My name is Damian Bardoni and I am so excited to have you in my class this year. We are going to have a great time on this journey through 3rd grade math. I am sure you are very curious as to who I am & what my experience is.

I’m a Florida native, born and raised in Miami. I received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education K-6 from Barry University and a Master’s in Reading and Literacy K-6 from Walden University. This is my 19th year of teaching. Previously I’ve taught 4th grade for five years, 2nd grade, 3rd grade for two years, 5th grade for two years, Spanish, and served as an ESL Specialist. I have taught for the Dept. of Defense in Yokosuka, Japan and in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as well as taught in Fairfax County, Virginia, Lake County, Florida, and Miami-Dade County, Florida. I’m looking forward to working with each of you in supporting your child to reach their potential.

My teaching philosophy is simple. The standards determine WHAT I teach, your student determines HOW I teach it, the curriculum is the tool I use to teach the standards to your student, and finally the work (classwork, projects, assessments and tests) supports and evaluates our progress to master those standards and determine what we know and where to go. I believe in standards and I believe that each student has their own needs but can still reach those standards. Some things will be easy, but most things will take effort from all parties involved (your child, ME & YOU!).

“Everything is hard until it is easy.”

Contact Mr. Damian Bardoni: