Behavior Management

Because your child’s success in school depends in large part on working in an environment that is safe and caring, a classroom discipline plan has been developed that includes rules that will guide every student in making responsible choices about his or her behavior. Here is an outline of our classroom management plan.

Classroom Rules:

1.   Be at class on time and prepared to work every day.

2.   Follow all the teacher’s directions.

3.   Submit all assignments on or before the due date.

4.   Do not cause harm, insult, or injury anyone in the class.

5.   Treat all classroom supplies, equipment, and materials with care.

6.   Follow all classroom routines, especially the safety information.



1.   Warning

2.   Call or email home to parent or guardian.

3.   Online referral slip is submitted to the grade-level Assistant Principal and call is made to the parent(s) or guardian(s).


Severe Disruption:

1.   The student is immediate removed from class by being given a pass to the grade-level Assistant Principal's Office for the remainder of the class period.  An online referral slip is submitted to the grade-level Assistant Principal.  A phone call is made to the parent(s) or guardian(s).



·  Note or email home to parent(s) or guardian(s).

·  Drop a low grade on an assignment.

·  Agreed upon reward.

My goal is to work with you to ensure your child’s success this year. The high school years are a pivotal time for adolescents. They need our guidance to grow up to become healthy and content adults. Together, we can help build a bright future for your child!

Your child will be thoroughly informed of this plan. Please review it together at home. Should you have any questions, I welcome your comments or questions.

Mr. Gargiulo