Student services 

 Phone:  (631) 812-3720

Fax:  (631) 812-3737

Welcome to the Stimson Middle School Student Services Department website. Our goal is to provide our students and parents with the necessary support to be successful in the fast-paced middle school environment.  Utilizing our experience and knowledge, the counseling staff is committed to the well-being of every middle school student. 

Counselors are assigned alphabetically and will follow your child through 7th and 8th grade. They work closely with teachers, administration, support staff and parents to ensure that all academic, social and emotional needs are being met.  

Bienvenido al sitio web del Departamento de Servicios Estudiantiles de laEscuela Stimson. Nuestro objetivo es brindar a nuestros estudiantes y padres el apoyo necesario para que tengan éxito en el ambiente acelerado de la escuela. Utilizando nuestra experiencia y conocimiento, el personal de consejería está comprometido con el bienestar de cada estudiante.

Los consejeros se asignan alfabéticamente y estarán con su hijo a lo largo del séptimo y octavo grado. Trabajan juntos con los maestros, la administración, el personal de apoyo y los padres para garantizar que se satisfagan todas las necesidades académicas, sociales y emocionales.

Meet the Department

Lisa Behar

School Counselor

Click my photo to visit my Bitmoji Classroom!

Lee Mergen

School Counselor

James Salvaggio

School Counselor

Kerrin Fitzpatrick

School Psychologist

Jonathan Sem  

Social Worker

Jenn DeNoble 

Behavior Specialist

Stimson Days:

Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Joseph Corrado

School Psychologist

Stimson Days:

Wednesday & Thursday

Jeannine Schiavone

Administrative Professional

Eduardo Martinez

Administrative Professional