Coronavirus Anxiety Scale

Is dysfunctional anxiety about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) taking over your life? Find out today with this scientific test.

The Sanity Score

Psych Central’s comprehensive mental health screening, consisting of 100 questions that test for a wide variety of mental health disorders and conditions. It takes most people about 15 minutes to complete this mental health test.

ADHD Tests

Adult ADD Screening Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with adult attention deficit disorder (ADHD/ADD).

QUICK Adult ADHD Screening Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with adult attention deficit disorder (ADHD/ADD). This is a quick, 6 question quiz.

Cork ADHD Quiz

Our newest screening test for attention deficit disorder (ADHD/ADD). This is a quick, 9 question quiz.

Childhood ADHD Screening Test

For helping to determine whether your child or teenage daughter or son has symptoms commonly associated with childhood attention deficit disorder (ADHD/ADD).

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Quiz

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT), a proposed third-factor of attention deficit disorder (ADHD/ADD). This is a quick, 9 question quiz.

Anxiety & Mood Tests

Anxiety Screening Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with an anxiety disorder, such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.

Spanish-language Anxiety Screening Test

From our partners at Mental Health America.

QUICK Anxiety Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with an anxiety disorder, such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. This is a quick, 7 question quiz.

Bipolar Screening Test

Our newest bipolar screening measure, based upon the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for possible diagnosis of bipolar disorder (both Bipolar I and Bipolar II disorders).

Bipolar Screening Quiz

Our older bipolar quiz, for helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly

associated with bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression.

Bipolar Self-Test Mood Questionnaire

Do you experience mood swings? Take this test to see if your mood swings may be a sign of something like bipolar disorder.

Depression Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with depression, and to track your depressive feelings over time.

QUICK Depression Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with depression.

Spanish-language Depression Screening Test

From our partners at Mental Health America.

Mania Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with a manic episode (or mania, a part of bipolar disorder), and to track your manic feelings over time. Also, consider taking the Bipolar Screening Quiz.

Mood Tracker

Track your emotions over time — every day or once a week — and get immediate, actionable results.

Autism Tests

Autism / Asperger’s Test

Our longer, 50-question screening test helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with an autism spectrum disorder

QUICK Autism Test

A quick 14-question screening measure to help you determine if you have symptoms consistent with an autism spectrum disorder.

Eating Disorder Tests

Binge Eating Disorder Quiz

A quick, 8-question screen for helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with binge eating disorder.

QUICK Eating Disorder Test

A quick, 5-question screen for helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia.

Do I Have an Eating Disorder? Quiz

This 20-question quiz will help you determine if you may suffering from problem eating or

an eating disorder.

Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26)

A more in-depth quiz can be used for helping to determine whether you have symptoms

commonly associated with an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia.

OCD & PTSD Tests

OCD Screening Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with adult obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

PTSD Screening Quiz

Our newest screening test for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is a quick, 6 question quiz.

PTSD Screening Quiz for Child Injury

For helping to determine whether you or your child have symptoms commonly associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Sleep Tests

The Sleepiness Quiz

Do you suffer from daytime sleepiness? This quick, 8-question quiz will tell you.

What’s Your Sleep Like? Sleep Quiz

Do you suffer from a sleep problem? This quick, 12-question quiz will tell you.

Other Psychology & Mental Health Tests

Career Test

– New!

Are you looking for a first career? What about changing jobs or careers? Our online career test can help you figure out what to do with your life.

FOMO Quiz (Fear of Missing Out)

This quick, 10-question quiz will help you determine whether your fear of missing out (FOMO) is out of control or not.

Grief Quiz

Do you have complicated grief over the loss of a loved one? This 19-question quiz helps screen for complicated grief.

Hoarding Quiz

This quick 23-question quiz will help you discover if you may have a compulsive hoarding problem.

The Loneliness Quiz

How lonely are you feeling right now? Find out how it compares with others.

Procrastination Test

– New!

Are you a chronic procrastinator?

The Psychopathy Quiz

Are you (or someone you know) a psychopath? Answer 12 questions to find out now.

Schizophrenia Screening Test

For helping to determine whether you have symptoms commonly associated with schizophrenia.

Stress Test

Are you stressed? Not sure? Take our quick stress test to determine how stressed-out you are.

Suicide Screening Quiz

The one question quiz that can determine your immediate risk for suicide.

Do I need therapy? Quiz

A quick 12-item quiz to help you determine whether you could benefit from psychotherapy right now in your life.

Workplace Bullying Quiz

A quiz to help you determine if you may be the victim of workplace bullying.

Sexuality and Relationships Tests

A relationship test or sexuality quiz can tell you a lot about the health and well-being of your romantic relationship. How’s it doing?

» Check Out our Sexuality & Relationships Tests now!

Personality Tests

A personality test can help you learn more about the core components that make you unique and special — your personality.

» Check Out our Personality Tests now!

Additional Quizzes

Generally, for fun only.

Facebook Addiction Quiz

Are you a Facebook addict? Find out today.

Facebook Intensity Quiz

How intense a Facebook user are you? Find out now.

Are You a Geek?

Are you or aren’t you? Well, find out in just 18 easy questions (unlike the

absurd other online geek quizzes you find online!). Not scientific, just for fun.

Are You Addicted to the Internet?

Whether it’s real or not, find out whether you’re addicted to the Internet now.