BW/MW 5th Grade Continuing Orchestra Info

BW 5th gr. orch reg letter 2021.docx
MW 5th orch reg form 2021.doc

Assignment #1 Topic #1

1) Playing position, bow hold, use of bow, left hand positioning, and lining up with the finger tapes. Check out the LESSONS page (top right corner) for review videos covering all of the above mentioned topics.

2) If you need a reminder use your Essential Elements book or check out one of the videos found on my Google Site.

3) You should play the D Scale three times. First time 4 quarter notes each. Second time 2 quarter notes each. Third time 1 quarter note each.

4) Aim to use a full bow for a full big sound



Assignment #2 Topic #2

1) Ode To Joy Essential Elements Page 23 #86

2) Review note names, fingerings, and rhythms.

3) Use the instrumental videos to help you with your practicing.

Violin viola review video for playing position.wmv.mp4

Violin and Viola Playing Position Review