Writer's Workshop

When writing, make sure you have:

-a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence.

-an end mark at the end of each sentence.

-spaces between your words.

Read your writing back to yourself and make sure it makes sense!

writing checklist 2.pdf

In 1st grade, we practice and learn more about narrative, opinion, and informational writing!

narrative writing poster.pdf
opinion writing poster.pdf
informative writing poster.pdf

Writing Prompts to Help You Practice at Home

differentiated writing prompts.pdf

Differentiated Writing Prompts

50 writing prompts.pdf

50 Fun Writing Prompts

fall journal writing prompts.pdf

Fall Journal

Opinion Writing Prompts.pdf

Opinion Writing Prompts

Narrative Writing Prompts.pdf

Narrative Writing Prompts

Informative Writing Prompts.pdf

Informational Writing Prompts

Ideas to Help Support Your Child's Writing at Home

-Give your child a special journal to write in each night that can be kept in a special place. Encourage your child to sound out the words independently.

-Practice writing numbers, letters, sight words, and sounding out words using a multi-sensory approach. Pour salt, sand, or shaving cream onto a cookie sheet or shallow pan. Make sure the bottom of the pan is covered. Ask your child to use his/her finger to practice writing!

-Help your child write a book. Fold pieces of paper in half and staple the side. Ask your child to write a book about anything he/she would like. Remind your child to use lots of colors in the illustrations as well as details in the drawings. Have your child bring the finished book to school to share with the class!