
Studio in Creative Crafts Syllabus

Ms. Citizen-

Class Description: 

Prerequisite: None                                                              Credit: 1                                                                        Time: Full Year

This foundation course satisfies New York State’s one-credit, Art/Music graduation requirement.

 This is a beginner level art course designed to offer the student a wide variety of mixed media art experiences. Students will learn to work with a variety of materials such as paper, wire, found objects and miscellaneous materials to create functional and non-functional objects with an emphasis on design. The materials we use may be sharp, wet, messy, sticky, hot, etc. so it is imperative that students listen closely to instruction and handle materials with care. 

Mixed- Media



 Students will develop an understanding of three-dimensional design through hands-on projects. Within each unit, students will be exposed to artists who work in the materials that are being explored and the history of art. Students will understand the integral role that crafts play in everyday life

3D Design

Examples of Contemporary Crafts Artists 

Crafts in Everyday Life

Students will learn techniques alongside meaning-making (how to use art materials for personal expression) and participate in self and peer reflection through class critiques. They will also learn vocabulary to discuss artwork and support their personal opinions about art. 

Class Critiques

Examples of Artistic Vocabulary

This class serves as a prerequisite for more advanced art classes offered at Walt Whitman High School. Once completed, students will be able to enroll in classes that may be currently unavailable to them. 

Class Procedures/ Routines:

Most if not all classes will begin with a "Do Now" and end with an "Exit Ticket". These are short tasks designed to prepare students for the day's instruction and assess their understanding. Students are expected to begin working as soon as class starts and continue throughout the period. 

Requirements/ Expectations:

Students Must:

-Complete all assignments (including do-nows and exit tickets) with clear care and effort

-Participate in class critiques discussions 

-Follow instruction/ procedures 

-Treat teachers, peers, supplies, and themselves with respect. 

Grading Policy: 

Students are expected to put forth their best effort in every assignment. Grades will be based on artistic behavior (planning, experimentation, problem solving, etc.) rather than artistic ability. I have high expectations for students and will challenge them in order to expand their artistic abilities and promote individual growth. 

Grading Rubric:

15%: Participation

-Attendance is crucial to student success in this class. 

-Lateness causes students to miss beginning of the class instruction and

 demonstrations  and will result in deductions from this portion of the student's 


-During class discussions and critiques students must be attentive, actively

 listening, and sharing their opinions for a high participation grade. 

-Cell phones/ laptops must only be used in the ways described below. 

 Inappropriate use will result in a grade deduction. 

30%: Formative Assignments 

-formative assignments include Do Nows, Exit Tickets, and projects that take only

 one or two days to complete.

-These assignments are either completed for 100% or incomplete/ missing. 

55%: Summative Assignments

-Summative assignments are the long-term projects that will be completed

 throughout the year. They may take weeks to complete. 

-These assignments are graded on effort, understanding of techniques, time

 management (good use of class time). 

  -Work that is insufficiently complete or rushed through, careless, or reflect poor

 listening during instruction will result in grade deductions. 

-As long as students are on-task, trying their best, and using materials/

 techniques as instructed, they will receive 100% on summative assignments. 

Per school policy, this class's final will be worth 20% of the student's total grade for the year. 

Grades can be found on Infinite Campus. Grades posted to Google Classroom are inaccurate as they do not include every component of the student’s total grade calculation.

Cell Phone Policy: 

Students may be encouraged to use their phones or laptops to find reference images or take pictures of their finished work. Students are not to use their cell phones outside of these parameters or without permission. If a student is using their phone inappropriately, I will ask them to put it into a paper bag on their desk. 

SCHOOLWIDE PHONE POLICY: Students must leave their phone in the classroom throughout the entire academic period and will not be permitted to take it with them when leaving during class time. 

Attendance/ Absence Procedures:

It is the student's and their guardian's responsibilities to absolve attendance issues. Please reference the Attendance and Absence section of the student handbook for information on how to do so. 

A student who does not attend my class will be marked absent until the proper procedures are completed. 

Attendance records are available on infinite campus. 

SCHOOLWIDE POLICY: Students will not be allowed to make up assignments if their absence is not excused within five days. 

Assignments can be found on Google Classroom.

Grades and attendance are posted to Infinite Campus.