About Me

Meet Ms. Citizen

Ms. Citizen is new to Long Island as she was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. She has loved creating art her entire life and seeks to share her passion with her students. 

She graduated from Long Island University, Post. 

Her hobbies include solving Rubik's Cubes, making origami, and playing board games. She also loves Oreos and Diet Coke. 

  Why Students Learn:

Visual communication connects us to one another. 

The artistic process requires students to problem-solve and persevere. 

Expression is intrinsically valuable. 

Teaching Philosophy

What, How, and Why students learn in my classroom. 

What Students Learn:

In my classroom, students learn meaning-making alongside technical application skills. They learn to form and transfer ideas, speak about art, and appreciate it in their day-to-day lives. 

How Students Learn:

Students are engaged and motivated by lessons that make content relevant to them and include student choice. 

I have high expectations for all of my students. I never underestimate a student and I expect each student to do the best that they can. 

Critique is incredibly valuable to artists and creates immense opportunity for personal growth through collaborative reflection. 

Personal Art Portfolio: 



Mixed Media
