Silas Wood Success

"Success all depends on the second letter"

This page offers advice and information from many of my former students from Silas Wood.

A worthwhile read...

The following is a list of success "tips" that was generated by former Silas Wood students:

1) Stay organized - right from the 1st day of classes

2) BEHAVE - follow all the school rules in the Agenda Book and the Student Code of Conduct...avoid ISS

3) Keep your locker clean, neat and organized

4) Always take notes in class - you will need them for homework, tests and finals

5) Pay attention in class- VERY IMPORTANT

6) Always keep your locker locked

7) Don't "dilly-dally" in the hallways

8) If you are low on school supplies, go to the school store during am homeroom

9) Put you best foot forward...take time to get to know your new teachers and classmates

10) Make a new friend or many new friends

11) Changing classrooms is easy - the classes are close together on a team

12) Don't worry if your friends are not on your team, you will see them in the hallways, at lunch and other activities

13) ALWAYS use your Agenda book

14) DON'T get caught up in gossip or negative situations

15) ALWAYS do your homework

16) Don't be a bully or a bystander!


18) find and use homework buddies

19) DON'T do projects last minute..."Slow and steady wins the race!"

20) ALWAYS eat a good breakfast

21) HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When can I go to my locker?

A: Your team teachers will set up times based on the team's schedule.

Q: How are the Report Cards different?

A: You will get a number grade out of 100 not a "letter" grade.

Q: How many periods are in a day?

A: There are eight periods every day.

Q: How much homework is given everyday?

A: It really depends on your teacher and subject.

Q: How much time between classes?

A: There are 3 minutes between classes which is more than enough time.

Q: Is there detention?

A: Yes, there is I.S.S (In School Suspension), After School Detention and Lunch Detention.

Q: Can you get lost easily?

A: No, there are many teachers in the halls and can help you find your way if you do get lost.

Q: What are Wheel Courses?

A: Wheel courses are classes that you take individually for ten weeks. They included Foreign Languages, Art, Coding and Makerspace.

Q: Is it scary at the beginning of the year?

A: Yes and no... you'll feel much better after the first day.

Q: How many quarters in a year?

A: There are four quarters and finals week. In between quarters you get progress reports.

Q: How many tests to you get in a day?

A: It depends on your teachers but they will usually work it out with the other teachers in your team - so that you do not have more than 1 major test per day.

The following is a list, in no particular order, of our favorite things about Silas Wood: 

1) Lunch - you can sit where you want

2) Art Class

3) World Language class

4) vending machines in the cafeteria

5) Coding

6) Spirit Weeks

7) Career Day

8) Recess !!

9) Gym class

10) yearbooks

11) DANCES!!!

12) Coding

13) 8 minute bell

14) changing classes

15) many teachers each day

16) lockers

17) Holiday Sing-Along

18) Popcorn Fridays

19) holiday treats

20) more freedom

21) Mrs. Bernard

22) Marching Band

23) team competitions

24) Homecoming

25) morning fitness

26) Student Council

27) Plays and assemblies

28) STEAM Curriculum

29) walking in the hallway by yourself

30) Adventure Land

Silas Wood is great...have fun and get involved!!