English 7R

Welcome 7th Graders! Please use my Google Site to help you stay organized this year. Please pay attention to Google Classroom to view assignments that are due on a particular day. If you have any questions, please ask.

7R Grading Policy

35% - Tests/Quizzes

35% - Writing

15% - Classwork/Participation

15% - Homework

*This is the standard grading policy for all Regents level English classes at Stimson.

Throughout the year, students will take quizzes and/or tests related to the content and general grade level concepts. As assessment is the best way to monitor instruction and provide targeted support, all tests/quizzes are counted in the average of the quarter it is given, except for pre-assessments at the beginning of the year, which are used to gauge where students are prior to the start of the course. Although some end of the year assessments are secure and cannot be reviewed with students in detail, they all cover key concepts that students are learning throughout the year. Students should take these exams seriously and should prepare and study as they would with any test.