
Studio in Creative Crafts at WWHS

Mr. Rickmers-

This is a full-year visual art course that satisfies the NYS arts requirement for high school graduation. This course serves as a prerequisite which means that once it has been completed, students will be eligible to enroll in a myriad of other visual art courses offered at WWHS. This course is designed to expose students of all levels of artistic ability to a wide range of visual art materials, techniques and philosophies. Creative Crafts is a three-dimensional art class that explores the many forms and techniques that has defined crafts throughout the modern world and human history. There will be an emphasis on the cultural and historical context of these practices. Students will learn to critically discuss artwork in a deliberate and revealing way. This is a hands-on class that requires students to get physically involved in, not just in making the art, but in preparing, organizing and cleaning up the many materials we will be interacting with. The materials we work with may be sharp, wet, messy, sticky or hot. Some of these materials can cause injury if not handled properly and can also ruin clothes (wear an apron). Students have a tremendous responsibility to follow classroom protocols and teacher instructions so that property and bodies are not damaged.

Requirements- Students must:

  • Complete all class projects to the best of their ability

  • Participate in all class critiques and discussions

  • Follow classroom protocols and procedures

Grading Policy-

This course is a requirement for most students. As such, I believe that every student deserves a path to a high mark regardless of artistic ability. My goal is to challenge every student based on their own experience and aptitude so every student grows as an artist.

Every student can get 100% in this class but many do not. In the following rubric, I will define what a 100% performance looks like as well as some other grade ranges. I will also expand on specific deductions that occur.

I have also included the Weighted Calculation I use for the Hybrid Model, but remember, each of these categories rely on the same behavioral qualities defined below.

Grading Rubric for Crafts

Weighted Calculation for Hybrid Model:

20% Attendance/Participation

20% Alternate Day Assignments

60% Project Grades

100%- Student is never late without a valid pass, no cuts, no cell phone violations, completes all projects to their best ability and follows all classroom protocols

95-99- Student completes all projects to the best of their ability but has some minor deductions such as lateness or cell phone violations (see deductions)

90-95- Student has been fairly productive but some meaningful deductions based on either cuts, lateness, incomplete projects, conduct or a combination have kept them below 95.

80-90- Student has received substantial deductions based on some pattern of poor attendance, project completion and conduct. Student is underachieving.

Below 80- Any student with a grade below 80 is not complying with the basic expectations of the class. Parents will be contacted.


Artistic Merit deductions- Your artwork is a record of your time spent on that project. While I do not grade you in this class based on your artistic ability, highly unfinished work, careless work and work that reflects poor listening all indicate insufficient participation.

Participation deductions- some examples of participation deductions include poor use of class time, inconsistent effort, disruptive behavior and incomplete or missing projects

Cell Phone deductions- I encourage students to use their personal devices often for researching reference images or even listening to music during studio time. However, any student using their device without permission is in violation of classroom protocol and will receive a deduction. No texting. No gaming . No sharing videos.

No sharing headphones/airpods.

Cutting and Lateness- Cutting is the #1 reason students fail this class. You must be here. I will deduct half a letter grade for every 3 cuts. Lateness will be considered poor participation and will generate deductions based on frequency.

It is the student’s responsibility along with their parents or guardians to resolve their attendance record. If there is a valid excuse such as illness that prevents the student from attending class, the student’s parent or guardian must either send a written note of explanation to the attendance office or call the attendance office to resolve the attendance issue. You can always access your attendance record on infinite campus.