
AP United States History

Mr. Donlon


Classroom: 507

Welcome to AP United States History! This is an introductory college-level U.S. history course. Students cultivate their understanding of U.S. history from c. 1491 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like American and national identity; work, exchange, and technology; geography and the environment; migration and settlement; politics and power; America in the world; American and regional culture; and social structures. 

This course is divided into nine historical periods of time. Below you will find a breakdown of how these periods of time will be weighted on the AP Exam. 

Grading Policies & Weighting 

Exams/Quizzes/Essays - 70%

You will be assessed in a variety of ways throughout this course to reflect the AP Exam. In addition to multiple-choice questions, you will be required to write DBQs, LEQs, and SAQs. These acronyms will become more familiar to you as we move forward.

Homework - 15%

Homework is due on the day & time in which they are assigned. Late work will be deducted 10 points each day it is late, after two days, late work will not be accepted. Be mindful of your time as you manage your other responsibilities. 

Most homework assignments will require you to handwrite your work and turn it in via Google Classroom. The AP Exam is handwritten– it is imperative that you are prepared to do your best.

Participation - 15%

Class Expectations:


Textbook: Advanced Placement Edition United States History, 2018, AMSCO

Absences & Extra Help:

If you have an excused absence on the day of an assessment you will have 5 days to make it up.  Unexcused absences disqualify you from making up missing work. 

I offer extra help in the morning and after school (by appointment), but ask that you email me the day before to let me know. You can email me if you have any questions as well.

End of year/important dates:


**Here is a breakdown of the AP Exam**

APUSH Exam: Format, Timing, Scoring

Section IA: Multiple Choice (MC)

55 Questions | 55 Minutes | 40% of Exam Score


***To guarantee a score of 5, try to aim for 80% on the MC.  65% puts you in the 4 range; 55% puts you in the 3 range.  But keep in mind that if multiple choice is your weakness,  60% of your score is the writing parts.***   

Section IB: Short Answer (SAQ)

3 Questions | 40 Minutes (approx. 13 minutes per question) | 20% of Exam Score


In the short-answer (SAQ) section, you’ll write answers to questions in your test booklet. Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps.

For Questions 1 and 2 (no choice; you answer both), you will be provided with some sort of document or visual(s). You may be asked to

The Breakdown of the time periods in the questions: 

To maximize your SAQ score:


Section IIA: Document-Based Question (DBQ) 

1 Question | 1 Hour  (includes 15-minute reading period*) | 25% of Exam Score

The APUSH DBQ Rubric has a total of 7 points:

2 points for correctly describing (summarizing) the content of at least 6 docs of the 7 (without quoting them) and using them to prove your thesis (applying them to your argument).   This means you briefly identify/explain what the doc is saying and then explain how it fits into your argument.  I suggest you describe and apply all 7 docs (in case you misinterpret one of them).  The breakdown is 1 point for describing or summarizing and 1 point for applying them to your thesis.