Classroom Policies

Grading Policy:

The grades for this course are calculated using a point system. Students earn a total number of points through tests/quizzes, graded classwork, homework, spiral reviews and participation. Students should keep track of their total points and all possible points throughout the quarter.

* There should be NO surprises!

* Please check Infinite Campus for the most up-to-date grades.

^Please allow 2-3 school days for grades to be entered and updated.


Homework in mathematics is essential for students to reinforce what was learned in class. Students will be assigned homework almost every night.

* Homework is counted based on completion and effort!

Attendance and Lateness:

Being in class every day and on time is crucial for success!

* If a student is absent, he/she is required to complete all work.

* If a student is late three times, it will result in a referral and a phone call home.

* If a student cuts class the day of an exam, he/she earns a 0 for that exam.