
email address:

Students please check Google Classroom and Student Square regularly

Parents/Guardians please check Parent Square for important information about our class and upcoming graded assignments.

Google Classroom

Period 1: 

Period 3: 

Period 5: 

Period 6: 


Period 1

Period 3

Period 5

Period 6

Parent Square:

Parent Square and Student Square is our MAIN SOURCE of communication!  I will text BOTH students and parents/guardians reminders about upcoming tests, quizzes and due dates.  I will also let you know about missing or late assignments.  Additionally, you can expect "good news" messages about awesome exam grades or impressive in class behavior!

You can download the App (helpful if you need messages translated) or choose to receive the correspondence as a normal text or email instead.

Google Classroom:

Google Classroom is a site in which the student can access specific directions/assignments.  Please adhere to all due dates on assignments posted in G.C.


EdPuzzle will help hold students responsible for the video assignments

This site allows me to see WHEN (date and time) each student watches the video and HOW MUCH (%) of the video is watched.  :) 

The viewer CAN NOT fast forward.  If the student would like to watch the video or part of the video again - they can!