2020 Keio (Shirai) - Hitotsubashi (Ishikawa) - Tsukuba (Kurokawa) - U of Tokyo (Furusawa) Interseminar

Sunday December 20, 2020 on Zoom


9:40- 9:50 Opening remarks

9:50-10:00 Self Introduction of Participants

10:00-10:40 Session 1: Keio International Trade Group

"Japanese Value Added Exports Before and After the Great Trade Collapse"

10:45-11:25 Session 2: U of Tokyo Group

"Estimation of the Likelihood of Japan-UK FTA"

11:30-12:10 Session 3: Hitotsubashi Group

"Comprehensive Analysis of the Changes in Japan's Trade Due to the COVID-19 pandemics"

Lunch Break

13:00-13:40 Session 4: Keio International Finance Group

"Classifying Sovereign Debt by CART"

13:45-14:25 Session 5: U of Tsukuba Group

"Impact of Trade on Industry-Level Output"

14:30-15:10 Session 6: Hitotsubashi Group

"Factors for Expanding Cross-border E-commerce"

15:10-15:20 Closing remarks