
Keio-Gakushuin-U of Tokyo-Tsukuba


December 3 (Sunday)  12:30~18:00 

At Keio University, Mita Campus,  Room 412 (South School Building)

Campus map is here.

Participants are members of Shirai-seminar (Keio), Ishikawa-seminar (Gakushuin), Furusawa-seminar (U. of Tokyo) and Kurokawa-seminar (Tsukuba).

12:50  Preparations

13:10-13:20     Opening Announcement 

13:20-14:05     Keio

”Big Push Model and Demand Spillover” 

14:15-15:00    Gakushuin

"Foreign Firms in Japan"

15:10-15:55    Tsukuba Development Group

        "The Impact of Apparel Trade on Economic Growth in Developing Countries:  

               The Cases of Bangladesh, Vietnam, and India"

16:05-16:50    Tsukuba Energy Price Group

"Analysis of Energy Prices, Terms of Trade, Production - Cases of

               U.S. - Germany - Japan"

17: 00-17:45   U of Tokyo

”Exploring Slope Differences in the Balassa-Samuelson Effect”