Break A Leg


Break a Leg

     Merde. This is a word that every theatre kid has heard time and time again before they go on stage. But, they will be especially important this year as the theatre community is putting on a full year of productions. They started with Sherwood Shorts, then will transition into their first play, “You Can’t Take It With You.” They are then dancing their way into, “Emma! A Pop Musical.” They will end the year with their last play, “Almost, Maine.”

       “I am most looking forward to Emma, because I am craving a musical,” senior Ellise Newton said.

       The theatre program added Sherwood Shorts to allow students to showcase their acting abilities by performing brief scenes from various plays.

       “Something that I am most looking forward to doing this year is being an M.C. for Sherwood Shorts,” senior Ciara Schweigert said.

        This year, the International Thespian Society was included as a club option for students. ITS recognizes and rewards student accomplishments and celebrates the work in all aspects of theatre. Students are able to learn and practice leadership skills with their peers. 

        “As Co-VP of our new International Thespian Society Troupe, I’m super excited to see what we can do with that this year,” junior Jennessa Rose said.

       Multiple students expressed gratitude for the opportunities they’ve been given in the theatre program. Jennessa said she loved the confidence and bonds that she has made with cast mates.

       “I love the community and the bonds I’ve made with my cast mates,” Rose said. “Theatre gives you such a boost of confidence and I don’t know where I would be without it.”

       Newton has been doing theater since freshman year.

       “I enjoy being able to make new friends and learn others' stories through acting, singing and dancing,” Newton said. “I am so excited for this season.” 

Story By Elliandra W. and Ava M. - Edited by Elinor W.