Let's Get Away


Let’s Get Away 

Students took vacations throughout the year and came back with a new experience. London, Paris, Cambodia, and Ethiopia are just a few of the places students traveled throughout the year. Paris is known for its gorgeous, one of a kind monuments.

“My family chose to go there because London and Paris have a bunch of activities,sightings, and famous museums,” freshman Kacy Schafer said. She got to visit all of the famous landmarks, art, and to try all the famous cuisine. “My favorite part of the trip was probably either climbing the Eiffel Tower, or the amazing food.” 

Paris has a unique feel to it. “Compared to other places I have been, Paris was my favorite. I saw so many amazing things and went to so many amazing places, and living in Sherwood, you don’t really get to experience the big city feel, so it’s an amazing thing to see all the things going on around you.” 

Besides taking a trip just for a vacation, sometimes students have a bigger reason. “We went to Ethiopia because we were a part of a medical mission trip with our church,” sophomore Titus Godard said. 

Having the opportunity to explore Ethiopia can give an eye opening experience to share with others. “I would go back and recommend this place to others to go on a trip like this because you get a first hand experience with a different culture than what you are used to.”

Story By Payton A. - Edited by Elinor W.