Happy '24-'25 School Year!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

As you get started with the new school year, remember to reach out if you have questions, run into hurdles, or have ideas on how our SHAPA family could help support your student and family at home!

We're #BuildingBrighterFutures at SHAPA!

Confidentiality Statement

Confidentiality is an ethical term that refers to a professional school counselor's promise to a student that they will respect a student's right to privacy by not disclosing the information revealed to the counselor to a third party, except when;

For questions or concerns regarding school counseling ethics or limits to confidentiality, please contact your school counselor.

Mission Statement

The mission of SHAPA's Counseling Program is to empower students and their families towards successful futures by utilizing an ASCA-driven, comprehensive, and multidimensional school counseling program.

Vision Statement

The vision of SHAPA's Counseling Program is for all students to depart empowered with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to achieve success across academic, socioemotional, and college/career domains with the capacity to reach their greatest potentials as productive and conscientious citizens.