College Preparation

General NCAA Recruitment Standards (Link)

Each school will have variations but this document is a good general rule of thumb for recruitment at each level of the NCAA.

NCAA Division 1 Track and Field Recruiting Rules

*This includes Division 1 Cross Country

It is important for potential prospects to know the NCAA Division 1 Track and Field Recruiting Rules. Athletes and coaches have certain restrictions when it comes to college track and field recruiting. Ensure your eligibility by following the NCAA recruiting rules.

As a Sophomore in high school

Recruiting Material

You may receive brochures for camps and questionnaires.

Telephone Calls

You can call the coach at your own expense.

Coach cannot call you.

Off-Campus Contact

Not Permitted

Official Visits

Not Permitted

Unofficial Visits


As a Junior in high school - **Pivotal Year**

Athletes should register for the NCAA Eligibility Center

This allows college coaches to find you, check in on grades, get your contact information, etc.

Recruiting Material

You can begin to receive recruiting material and information from the coach on September 1st.

Telephone Calls

You can call the coach at your own expense.

Allowed from college coaches starting July 1st after your Junior year

Electronic Correspondence (i.e. texts, IM, email.)

All forms of electronic correspondence are allowed starting September 1st of your Junior Year.

Correspondence must be private between athlete & coach.

Off-Campus Contact

Allowed July 1st after your Junior year.

Official Visits

Not Permitted

Unofficial Visits


As a Senior in high school

Recruiting Material

You can receive material and information from the coach

Telephone Calls

You can call the coach at your own expense.

Coaches can call recruits.

Electronic Correspondence (i.e. texts, IM, email.)

All forms of electronic correspondence are allowed starting September 1st of your Junior Year.

Correspondence must be private between athlete & coach.

Off-Campus Contact

Allowed but no more than 3 times.

Official Visits

You can start official visits on the opening day of your classes.

You get one per college and a maximum of 5 visits to D1 schools, and unlimited for D2, D3 and NAIA schools.

Unofficial visits
