Teaching Philosophy

I believe that a teacher is morally obligated to enter the classroom with only the highest of expectations for each and every one of her students. Thus, I will maximize positive benefits that naturally come along with any self-fulfilling prophecy. With dedication, perseverance, and hard work, my students will rise to the occasion.

I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day. I believe that I owe it to my students, as well as the community, to bring consistency, diligence, and warmth to my job in hopes that I can ultimately inspire and encourage such traits in my students. 

Course of Study

In English 10 we will read, analyze, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts written from various cultural perspectives, with an emphasis on works originating outside the United States and the British Isles from 1600 to the present.

We will also compose both short and extended narrative, informative/explanatory, and argumentative writings that are clear and coherent, use an appropriate command of language, and demonstrate development, organization, style, and tone that are relevant to task, purpose, and audience.

English 10 Pre-AP Information Flyer with grading, materials and rules and expectations information
Page 2 of the English 10 Pre-AP information flyer to include absentee policy, homework, plagiarismm and additional information