Agency Meetings

Finding Agency 

Academic Agency is a key component to pushing students toward more ownership in their learning process. By giving students the opportunity to make their own choice and committing to their ideas, I have been able to see the intrinsic motivation to achieve hit new heights in my classroom. 

What is an Agency meeting? 

An Agency meeting is time taken each and every day to discuss moments in which Agency was exercised throughout different lessons. We have consistent talking points of listing ways that we saw Agency in others, listing ways we saw Agency in ourself and even moments when Agency was dropped. Students have made the connection that Academic Agency is something that you always have within you. The power to make a good decision for your learning is highlighted and celebrated in our daily Agency meetings. Students feel safe enough in this time to also reflect on ways they can do better with their Academic Agency the following day. These meetings have become a very important part of the culture and climate of our classroom. The students care about Agency and it shows in their actions. 

Fifth grade student made a Jeopardy game where students were given scenarios and had to explain how they could use Agency in that situation. 

These fifth grade students come to class a few times a week to check on fourth grade Agency. 

Fifth grade students teaching fourth grade students about what Agency means and how it fits into their learning process. 

Agency Quotes 

At the end of the school year each student in my class writes something we lovingly call an Agency Quote. They are expressive pieces of writing in which the students describe how finding their Agency is unique to them. Quotes from past students are used as discussion points and a way to build their own understanding of finding Agency. 

"An agency quote is like a recap of all you have done with Agency throughout the year. It makes me think of how I started not knowing what Agency was., but now I can't imagine my life without it."

                                                                       ~Kori   (4th grade student) 

5th grade student teaching my 4th grade students about finding his Agency.

5th grade student teaching my 4th grade students about finding her Agency.

Examples of Agency Quotes