Digital Data Dashboard

A major goal of our Strategic Plan for 2019-2020 is the full implementation of our Digital Data Dashboard. Stakeholders recognized that if we wanted students to master standards and demonstrate competencies, then we needed a robust tool to track the evidence of learning along the way. Because we hold feedback to students as important to learning, we needed a way to show the progression of learning over time. Because learning is evidenced in a variety of ways, we needed a tool that would allow us to enter evidence of learning connected to the academic standard or the Profile of a Graduate competency connected to the learning.

Evidences and Standard Scores:

Evidence scores capture a student’s progress through the learning process and explain to what extent a student is mastering a concept or skill. These scores are comprised of a variety of work and assessments that represent the progression of learning. Examples include class work, observations, quizzes, research projects, presentations, labs, writings, tests, simulations, and inquiry tasks.

Standard scores represent the comprehensive score of what a student knows and is able to do on a specific standard in a course. This score is calculated inside of our digital dashboard. It is calculated from the collection of evidence scores recorded. Students’ most recent work is the best indicator of how well they have learned a concept or skill. For this reason, calculations give higher weight to more recent work. This calculation is used when three or more evidences have been linked to a standard. Final course grades are computed using a simple average once all standards in a course are completed.

Empower is the new digital data dashboard for Shelby County Public School students and families. When learning is personalized and students are moving at their own pace, it is more difficult to monitor learning. Empower is a tool that helps students, parents and teachers monitor growth along a learning progression as tracking of competency development occurs.

The district website has informational videos and other information that will help you understand Empower.

Hear from Adam Watson, our Digital Learning Coordinator, on How SBG Led Us to Empower, and The Power of Evidence.