30 June to 6 July 2024

Zomercursus ALCS 

at the University of Sheffield

For the 3rd ALCS Zomercursus we headed to Yorkshire, to the University of Sheffield, the 'outdoor city'. We offered: 


The theme of this year's summer school was Rivieren. A broad theme that informed our sessions and exploration of the Low Countries and Yorkshire in a variety of ways.

Our week in Sheffield stared on the Sunday afternoon of the 30th June and we said goodbye on Saturday 6 July. Before we met in Sheffield participant did some digital preparatory work. 

The full schedule and programme are below but our language sessions took place in the morning, followed by more thematic sessions, workshops, talks or excursions in the afternoon. 

The ALCS Summer School is open to students of all levels of Dutch (CEFR ab initio - C1). You can check here which level you are at. 

Thank you to all our motivated, dedicated and generous students! Look out for our 2025 edition! 

Dit is een kort filmpje van de zomercursus van 2022 (Edinburgh). Tijdens de zomercursus leer je heel veel en je spreekt veel Nederlands, maar het is vooral ook heel gezellig!

If you have any questions, please contact us via alcs@sheffield.ac.uk


Every day you have two language sessions in the morning, each with a different teacher and at your level. There's also a cultural programme with talks, workshops and excursions, and a project with Sheffield Artist in Residence Paulien Cornelisse and Dutch singer and cabaretier Claudia De Breij. Most evenings you are free to explore the city and practise your Dutch amongst yourselves, some evenings we have an activity planned.

The programme is still subject to change and will be published soon, but now you already have a rough idea of how we run things.


Those who need accomodation can check in and pick up their key on Sunday 30 June at the Jonas Hotel, located at The Endcliffe Village, Endcliffe Crescent, Sheffield S10 3ER. That is about 40 minutes walk from Sheffield train station but there are also busses and Uber, of course. 

We will be there to welcome you between 3-5pm and give you your Summer School Pack. 

If your arrival time is later, please let us know.

The ALCS Dutch Summer School is organised by experienced Dutch teachers from different institutions and from all over the UK: Sheffield of course, but also London and Edinburgh. Our guest speakers come from further away. Here you can find out more about your teachers and special guests. 

University of Sheffield
School of Languages and Cultures 

Jessop West

1 Upper Hanover Street

Sheffield S3 7RA

We zitten voor onze taalsessies in de HUB van Sheffields languages and Cultures:  Jessop West