Am I Eligible?

Please take a few moments to read carefully through the trial eligibility criteria below to find out if you may be eligible to take part.

You may be eligible if;

Unfortunately, we are not able to recruit participants who;

If after reading the above criteria you think you may be eligible to take part and would like to hear more, please click here to leave your contact details*.  

A member of the TRICEPS team will contact you as soon as possible.  Please be aware that we may be receiving a large volume of enquiries and it may take a few days for us to get back to you.   

* You will be asked to submit your name, phone number and /or email address.  Only members of the research team will have access to the contact information your submit, for the purpose of contacting you about the TRICEPS trial.  Any information you enter will be stored and processed using services provided by Google. These services have been the subject of careful assessment to ensure they comply with UK data protection law and the University of Sheffield’s own privacy policies.