Sylvia Pestana Sousa Gomes

PhD Researcher (2023-2027)

Sylvia is a PhD researcher in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Sheffield. She is supervised by Dr. Brant Walkley and is a part of the Sustainable Materials at Sheffield (SMASH) research group. 

Her research focuses on developing solidification routes for encapsulation of radioiodine in cementitious wasteforms. This work aims to provide sustainable conditioning solutions for problematic radioactive wastes. Sylvia's research is funded by an EPSRC scholarship and is part of the GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear) CDT, a consortium training the next generation of nuclear scientists and engineers. She also benefits from industrial supervision by the National Nuclear Laboratory. Sylvia obtained her bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. Previously, she also completed a SURE (Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience) project evaluating the effects of superplasticizers on alkali-activated cementitious materials with Dr. Walkley and Micael Silva. This experience sparked her interest in research for sustainable materials.
