Welcome Week

The full schedule

What is Welcome Week in Language and Cultures? 

Welcome week (from Monday 23rd September) is about getting ready to start your classes in Week 1 on 30th September. There will be things to sort out, information to take in, and, most importantly, people to meet. 

Please check the full schedule carefully and make a note of the sessions you want to attend (Welcome Week schedule further down the page).  

Which sessions do I need to attend?

Main Welcome meeting

You are asked to attend our welcome meeting on Monday 23rd September at 3pm in the 38 Mappin Street, Workroom 2

Language meetings

Finally there are sessions for each specific language families. Please try and attend all the relevant meetings for the languages you will or want to do. If you are a dual student who need to attend a compulsory meeting at the same time, please let us know. 

Student Societies

If your student societies tell us of any event they are organising, we will advertise them in the Into week timetable below.

Accessible copy Intro week SLC sessions

Click the link above to sign up for the Languages Welcome Week walk on Sunday 29th September!

Languages Welcome Week Walk sign-up

Questions or Queries?

We are here to help you make a good start of your degree and we realise that there may be questions you want to ask. 

You can also drop us an email. All general queries should be directed:

If you have a specific question about a language or module, please email our tutors: