BA Modern Languages & Cultures

Understanding your degree

Before you come to university you will have to take some important decisions: you will have to decide which and how many languages you want to study. 

You can't just pick any courses: your modules will have 'to fit' your programme. Therefore the first step is understanding you degree programme. 

Watch this video and then follow the steps below. 

Step 1. Which language(s) do I want to study?

You may have a clear idea about which language(s) you want to study and how many, or you may still be wondering whether to try your hand and one (or two) new languages.  

As a BA Modern Languages and Cultures student you have a lot of choice: choose to study two or three languages from your first year or will you add a third language later? Take your time to decide and have a good browse of our language pages. You can study all our languages from beginners' level and French, German, Russian or Spanish as a post A-level language course.

It really is up to you. As long as you tally up 120 credits in total (each module is worth a certain amount) l and stick to the degree requirements (those are just the 'rules' of the degree) . The requirements are outlined below. 

We understand that you may want to talk to somebody about what would be best for you. It is always a good idea to have a chat with one of our tutors. Let us know if you need assistance.

Okay, we do have some rules: 

You can do a maximum of 3 languages throughout your degree. So if you choose to do 3 languages in your first year, you can either:

If you start off with one or two languages, you are free to pick up a third language (and associated culture) at the start of your second year.  

Step 2. How many languages do I want to study?

One language

Two languages

Three languages

Step 3. Find out about optional modules within School of Languages and Cultures

Remember, we offer more than language courses. Instead of picking another language you may want to add another module in French, Germanic Studies, Russian or Spanish. Or you may like to do a more generic module about, for example, Visual Cultures. So, please do consider the optional modules we run within the School: Our first-year optional modules in the School 

Step 4. Find out about optional modules outside SLC for your 20 unrestricted credits

You also have the option to look further. Click this link to find out about modules in another subject/other subjects outside the School.

Step 5. Online registration

You are now ready to go for you pre-registration. This is when you record your choices officially. Here is more about your online registration. 

Step 6. What next?

With you registration sorted you will have time to do some more prep work. It really helps if you have already had a bit of a look around the services you will need. So, here are some suggestions for what to do next.