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PhD opportunities

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in mathematical biology at Sheffield, please see our PhD and teaching page, which contains a list of projects currently on offer.

Fellowship and postdoctoral opportunities

We welcome enquiries from researchers interested in hosting an externally-funded fellowship or postdoctoral position within our research group. As a group we have broad interests across mathematical biology, making us a good home for researchers with a range of research interests. We are committed to developing an inclusive and welcoming environment within the School of Mathematics and Statistics. We recognise that many individuals from minoritsed groups in academia often do not receive the support, encouragement and recognition given to their peers, and we will do our best to offer tailored support to any strong applicants. 

Below we list a number of external opportunities for fellowships and postdoctoral funding. We strongly recommend contacting a member of the group at an early stage for informal discussions if you would like to apply to be hosted in the mathbio group - we suggest looking at our research interests in the Members pages to determine a suitable first point of contact. 

Independent research fellowship schemes

Under the Sheffield Independent Research Fellowship scheme, Faculty of Science policy is that all holders of five-year plus independent fellowships will be offered a permanent position, subject to performance. Schemes that fulfil this requirement include:

A number of shorter-term fellowships are also available, including:

We are committed to supporting researchers from diverse backgrounds with clear fellowship plans at every step of their application, and beyond, as they base their career in our community.