Ethical AI/Human-centered AI vs. Profit-driven AI: Our role as academics in maintaining sanity in the era of Big Tech world dominance

Dr Marjory Da Costa Abreu, Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University

The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) usage such as a virus (or the solution for all humanity problems), such technology has created an era where Big Tech companies exert unparalleled influence over society. This research talk explores the critical dichotomy between Ethical AI/Human-centered AI and Profit-driven AI, emphasising the pivotal role that computer scientists play in shaping the trajectory of AI development.

The presentation begins by dissecting the ethical implications of AI technologies and their potential impact on humanity. It delves into the contrasting ideologies behind Ethical AI, designed with human values and well-being in mind, and Profit-driven AI, which prioritizes financial gains often at the expense of ethical considerations. The discussion underscores the societal consequences of unchecked AI development, including issues related to bias, privacy infringement, and the erosion of individual autonomy.

Furthermore, the talk examines the responsibilities and moral obligations of computer scientists in steering AI development towards a more ethical and human-centered approach. It also talks about the Human in the Loop approach as a possible way to minimise the negative impacts of AI. We will discuss a paradigm shift in the mindset of computer scientists, urging the championing of the cause of ethical AI, thereby contributing to a future where technological innovation aligns with the best interests of humanity.