Xiyue Sun

Phd Student 

Research Interests:

Email: xsun75@sheffield.ac.uk

Qualifications and Professional Experiences:

Research and Project Experiences:

Second Language Acquisition and Culture                                                                                                             

● Team member, led by Prof. James Herron, University of Harvard

A Corpus Based Study on Self-repairs in Chinese English learners’ Oral Production   

Online ISSN:2352-5398, AEIC-Academic Exchange Information Centre       

● Independent First-author (CPCI, former as ISTP)


A Review of Oral English Teaching Methodologies in Chinese Colleges                                                        

Online ISSN: 2352-5398, AEIC-Academic Exchange Information Centre

● Co-First author (CPCI, former as ISTP)


A Study on the Reliability of Oral Test on Second Language Acquisition Communication Capability

ISSN: 2096-7985, Modern English                                                                                                                                                

● Independent First-author (Domestic Periodical)